samedi 19 octobre 2013

Changing Negative Thoughts - Happiness For People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking

Changing Negative Thoughts
If you have failed to realise your potential, have not set goals and strived for them, lost faith and taken your eyes off the prize or maybe you want to help someone close to you to come to their senses, then you must learn to challenge negative thinking.
But what if you could be slightly happier and get a bit more done. Authentic happiness not cheap self help!
Have you taken the First Step towards Positive Thinking?
The ABC Model & Recognising Negative Thinking may have been like splashing cold water on your face in the morning. For others perhaps you are unable to escape the root of all evil, negative thinking, and believe there is no such antidote to negativity.
These principles are simplistic, practical truths that are so obvious that we can miss them or bypass them in the rush of our everyday lives. Learning to question your negative thoughts and designing your own personal check list for challenging negative thoughts can give you the power & ability to control them.
For the stop thinking and start living type of person to detoxify your mind making you wiser, humbler or happier this straight forward advice may help you stop worrying.
3 Steps to Change Your Thoughts
1. Catch the negative thoughts as early as possible, before you get too upset, and respond badly to the event or situation. Learn how to stop negative thoughts before they become a poison. Think about what you are thinking about to break your train of thought.
If you are tired of repeating the event over and over in your head. For lasting results choose to forgive yourself or others. This does not necessarily mean you should repeat that situation or be best friends with the person who has hurt you, but it is a decision to stop drinking your own poison and having bad feelings or being upset.
2. Stop Yourself. Break your chain of thought. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Think about a recent event (nothing too serious) that led to bad feelings or upset. Remember the event in as much detail as possible. Consider the negative thoughts that led to the bad feelings, repeat the negative thoughts to yourself until you start to feel upset again. Pause for a few seconds and then make a loud noise, clap or shout stop, even if this is in your head this will break your concentration.
3.Challenge the negative thoughts and replace them with positive, reasonable thinking. It is possible to challenge your own negative thinking. When you find yourself thinking in a negative way, ask yourself some of the following questions to check if your thoughts are reasonable:
Is the problem a thought or is it a fact?
What is the evidence?
Am I jumping to conclusions?
How appropriate is blame?
What alternative views are there?
What can I do about the outcome of this situation?
How perfect can I be?
Have I got double standards?
Is there only a downside
Is everything really likely to be a disaster?
Am I getting things out of proportion?
Thinking about the downers, the inevitability of death, the inescapability of suffering or impossibility of security is more likely to make the realities of life less scary. To become the master of your own thoughts and take control of your life, perhaps the art of successful living is to acknowledge and consider negative thinking getting more comfortable with it.
If you would like to read more about changing you thoughts you can can find more information at

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