mardi 25 février 2014

Why Am I Feeling So Depressed?

Do you often find yourself asking the question "Why am I depressed?" Life seems to be in perfect order and you certainly have healthy relationships with your friends and loved. You have a good job and you everything else around you is perfect place. But why exactly do you feel low-spirited? According to experts, there could be a lot of reasons why someone could feel downhearted and troubled. It doesn't necessarily have to do with what you have or what you don't have. Sometimes, the feeling of helplessness and depression has something to do with your state of mind.
More often than not, feelings of depression don't necessarily have a direct effect. If you think you are upset and down because of external circumstances, then you could be wrong. At this point, you need to look into the internal circumstances for you to fully understand what it is you are feeling. According to experts, we often times experience unconscious stresses that we can't pin down the reason why are feeling low and upset.
Take for instance a person who had just experienced divorce with his partner. Naturally, the individual will try to resolve the issue on his own. As life goes on, he will also continue to work and keep himself busy with other chores. In order to keep his mind off the problem, he will go out with his friends and have a little fun in his social life. As time passes by, everything would seem fine but deep inside the hurt and pain still linger. Now let's say that the person has found someone else. There is a new child on the way yet he is still feeling down and troubled despite the good things that are happening. At this specific scenario, the feeling of depression may have been brought forward by what had happened in the past. Memories remain and unresolved issues from the past have caused such feeling of helplessness and depression.
Whenever you feel down and low, depressive thinking patterns can eventually develop. Why am I depressed? Well, there are a lot of reasons why you are feeling that way. External factors such as sudden change and unfavorable situation can cause depressive thoughts and patterns to surface. These ill thought can subsequently cause the individual to feel depressed. According to experts, depression is caused by the way we think about certain events, situations and even circumstances in our lives.
As for the person who feels low-hearted despite all the good things that are happening around him, he could be having random thoughts and is starting to develop feelings of depression. What is really happening is that negative thoughts are starting to get into him. Eventually, his emotions are triggered by negative circumstances. Even with happy events, he will start to down and question his emotions. He will start to feel guilty for getting into another relationship and having a new baby. Both happy and negative thoughts are highlighted and the individual's emotions are stirred up without the individual rationalizing what is really happening around him.
Find out more info about Why am I depressed and learn more from the authority site here as well @

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The Surprising Benefits of Acupuncture

Dealing with Depression
For some people, depression is a very hard thing to combat again. Once you start, you wind up spiraling down into a state of mind that some people don't ever come back from without the proper treatment. It's important to make sure that you take the time to consider what other alternative measures are out there to treat depression. Acupuncture for depression has been said to give surprising results considering that most tend to rely on the prescription pill method.
Better than Pills?
Some studies conducted on the benefits of acupuncture for depression have determined that a single acupuncture session a couple times a week can help significantly reduce levels of stress and depression in the body. Some would say that this is just as good, if not better, than the prescription medication that some people take in order to get the same effect. Additionally, acupuncture is considered to be:
• Very quick and relaxing
• Inexpensive
• Less frequent than medication
Also Good for Weight Loss
And it's not just depression that acupuncture is repairing. It has also been indicated that there are acupuncture for weight loss sessions that help burn the fat. Those same pressure points that reduce stress and depression have also been linked to causing fat calories to burn up a lot quicker. Through this process, over time the patient may find him or herself dropping one or two pounds more per week than if he or she never went to the acupuncturist at all. Some would even go so far as to say that acupuncture helps deliver the body's natural remedies for depression that can't be given by simply going to the store and buying pills or going to the doctor and asking for a prescription.
Something to Consider
With depression, it can be difficult to face up to the challenges that will seem gargantuan thanks to depression's symptoms. It could feel like the end of the world, but you can learn how to fight depression by getting help from a doctor or psychologist. When other alternatives don't appear to be working, then you should definitely take the time to look at acupuncture. Consider what others have said and perhaps that will be what does the trick to making you feel less depressed and stressful about life. Even if it's a small relief, it's a starting point from which you can start to build upon.
For more depression articles, visit

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Suicide - A 95 Percent Chance

"Patty is gone", was what I heard when my sister Maureen called me on December 3, 2012. One year ago. My first thought was that Patty had left the care home and was heading back home. No, Patty had taken her life that morning. I did not have the opportunity to say goodbye. This was something that our family and her doctor had given a zero to 5 percent chance of happening. Suicide had been discussed with Patty and she had given her "guarantee" that suicide was not an option.
Her wonderful psychiatrist believed that Patty's strong, lifelong Catholic faith would always deter her from suicide. I held her hand at Mass the day before. Little did we know that she would be gone the next day. So, after 67 years, we live on with the great memories while wrestling with the mystery of suicide. There won't be any new memories. Lives have changed.
During this past year, in retrospect, I have come to the realization that instead of prescribing a 5 percent chance that Patty would have committed suicide, it should have been a 95 percent chance. Obviously, this is very easy for me to say one year later. However, this is not about me or Patty's family. It is about the millions of families that deal with mental illness on a daily basis. They must talk about suicide with each other constantly. They must be direct, open and honest in communications.
Patty was feeling trapped and believed that there was no way out. She wanted her unbearable pain to end. 90 percent of people who die by suicide in the U.S. suffer debilitating mental illness, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. The reasons people choose suicide are multilayered and there is no easy explanation.
What was she thinking? How long had she planned the action? Did she have a plan? Why did she do it at that time? These are some of the questions that we now ask. One of our father's favorite words was fakery, although I am not certain it is a real word. The definition of fakery is the inclination or practice of misleading others through lies or trickery. How long did her fakery go on? Everything makes sense when you are suicidal.
Could we have prevented her suicide? This is the question that will be with our family forever with no answer. I find some solace in believing that she was determined to commit suicide. I may be deceiving myself, but I need to find some positives in this tragic story.
Should we have been trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of suicide? Yes. Patty had a special relationship with her doctor. She saw him often and he had guided her successfully through her previous bouts of depression. This time was different. Four months of pacing, non-eating and total withdrawal had consumed her. We discovered that drugs are not always the answer to make people better. Patty took enough drugs to stock a pharmacy. There is no magic cure for depression.
What was her Catholic belief system telling her? We were originally taught as children that suicide was a mortal sin. Patty knew that suicide allowed her to be inside God's embrace, enjoying a freedom she thought she could never enjoy here again. She knew, through her work with the homeless, that God has a special affection for those who are too bruised to survive in this world.
Americans are not prepared to talk about mental illness or suicide, because of the stigma. It leaves us with emotional, moral and religious scars. Suicide brings with it an ache, a chaos, and a darkness. There is no reason to feel blame or shame. 45.6 million American adults are living with mental illness.
How can someone truly recognize the signs that a loved one may be contemplating suicide? Nobody can predict a suicide. You must be prepared to help someone you love who one day may experience a suicidal crisis. Take all talk of suicide seriously. Constantly ask the direct questions, "Are you thinking about suicide?" or "Are you having suicidal thoughts?" Do not treat the threat lightly - even if the loved one jokes about it. They are expressions of extreme distress.
Get your loved one help immediately by taking them to the hospital emergency room, calling 911 or the police department, call a suicide hotline or call their doctor. Do not leave the person alone. Make sure that they have no access to means of harm that could be used in a suicide attempt. This includes cords of all kinds.
With a shortage of psychiatric beds, patients must be considered a danger to themselves or others for inpatient admission. Patients must communicate their dangerousness or distress in order to guarantee that they will be admitted for further treatment.
The idea of certainty in our life is an illusion which is in place so we can function in everyday life. But nothing is certain. Suicide throws out this notion of certainty and forces us to realize that life is a gift. Remember the 95 percent rule!
With Love, Sis, we miss you.
Terry Rice is a Milwaukee, Wisconsin resident

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What Are The Real Causes For Depression?

In today's day-to-day lifestyle, depression is a very familiar disorder. It affects every eighth man and every fourth woman (scary I know). Many of us are actually unaware of the symptoms of depression which include feelings of desperation, compulsive negative thinking, increased or decreased appetite, insomnia or an increased need for sleep, being apart from the social scene, frequently irritated, loss of memory and lowered concentration levels, interest in suicide and death. Never take the causes of depression too lightly, It may get worse if not cured on time and It should be under periodic surveillance.
It's assumed that the cause of depression is 40 - 70% hereditary, and it is also noticed that in some cases the person under depression has a child who is showing signs of depression as well (as was the case in my relationship with my father). This means that the potential for depression lies in the persons genetic organs.
Hereditary or not it's proven that depression is nothing but an angry or hopeless mood and can be overcome in time. It is known that being deprived of light and warmth in the winter season can increase the chances of depression. This type of seasonal disorder can further lead to a major depressive condition. Hormones also plays a major role in causing depression, especially among those women who suffers from Pre menstrual syndrome or postpartum depression. In fact, while one out of every four women suffer from depression compared to one in every eight men, this discrepancy disappears among women who have undergone menopause, when there are lower levels of estrogen. More and more research is needed to rectify whether these hormonal disorders can really cause depression or are merely just triggers.
Getting thrown out of a job, getting divorced, or a sudden death in the family may not be the true cause of depression, but they can tamper the problem in those who have predispositions for the problem. Most probably these events can cause feelings of worthlessness, but if these are not persistent, they are the normal aspects of the grieving process and are not the real cause of the depression.
Depression is sadness that lasts too long. Everyone is sad at some point in their lives but depression is more than that. It is a feeling that you cannot bring yourself up from the bottom. In the end you give up trying. People start to avoid you. You feel worse. You feel you need to find external help to treat the problem in the same way as you would if you had a long-lasting cold. Once you have acknowledged that you have depression, remember that it is a medical condition and can be cured. Nobody actually thinks of you the way you think they do. Talk to someone. Seek and accept help and you will find that there is a different way of seeing life.
The End The Anxiety Program is your final stop in your search for a cure from anxiety and depression.

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How Crystal Healing Rings Help During Depression?

Many could look at it as a miraculous healing, while still others could refer to it as holistic healing. However way you choose to look at it, Crystal healing or crystal therapy is a mind blowing healing process that uses crystal healing rings. If you have ever heard of gemstones, then that is what this process uses. To people who have not experienced this kind of healing with crystal healing rings, it may not just sound ridiculous, but also appear like a process that is more of a myth than a reality. Come to think of it; how could a stone possibly relieve a human being's depression? Either way, it has been proved to work.
How Crystal Therapy Works?
• The rings can either be carried or worn: The gems are placed at a distinct place where the patient can feel them vibrate. Once the vibration is felt, the patient begins to heal slowly. Not every stone can perform the duty of the other. Each of them has got a unique ability.
• The rings are used basically for meditation purposes, as well as for divination purposes: Each of them has got different colors; shape as well as sizes and all serve different purposes.
• The patient has to relax, meditate and the rings that they are attracted to more are the ones that are used in healing them. The patients are advised to keep their hearts open as well as their hands; so that an intuitive feeling can lead them in choosing the right healing rings.
• Citrine and the yellow topaz are what are used more to relieve depression. These are special, seasonal stones that best serve the purpose of relieving depression.
• Once the healer recommends a particular gem to the patient, the patient is expected to be in close contact with the crystal healing rings so that the process can have the impact it ought to have. Even when sleeping the patient is advised to keep the ring under the pillow. Slowly the depressed patients get back to their normal state once they obey the directions of the healer.
• Recharge: When using the gem, it has to be constantly charged to enhance the power that it emits during crystal healing. Usually, it is dipped in water for a certain period of time, and by the time it is taken out it gains the power it had at the beginning of the healing process.
Depression is a dull illness that could leave you or your loved one uneasy and withdrawn. But crystal healing rings could bring them back to their jovial state and for a better understanding you can Read More Here. It's all about putting the right measures in embracing crystal healing rings and finding that relief that this process generates, in the emotional state.

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How To Eliminate Manic Depression From Your Life Once And For All

Manic depression which is also known as bipolar disorder is a very serious depression that negatively impacts of person who suffers from it.
Manic depression means the 'ups' and 'downs' of ones mood. The characteristic of this disorder is a person all of a sudden changes their moods from being happy to sad or the other way around. Doctors have researched that having mood swings is a big symptom that you will be depressed.
If you have mood swings for a long time without trying to stop them they will end up being worse than before. You will begin to get angry over small things like buying candy from a vendor and by them their time in giving you your change. If it goes on to a stage where you end up maybe throwing the ice cream back to the vendor then you should know you may now be suffering from manic depression.
When a person has manic depression they have an aggressive behavior. They are easily irritated by the most smallest thing and have a sudden euphoric mood outburst that is un-controllable to them. First these outbursts can last for a few days then after some time they take longer.
When a person is suffering from manic depression they will have times when they are feeling at their lowest. The thing to watch out for as a result of this depression is extreme sadness, feeling of not belonging, extreme pessimism, anxiety attacks and lots of guilt. If a person is depressed for more than a week then that person is considered to be a manic depression sufferer.
All though manic depression is considered to be one of the worst depression stages but one nice thing is that it can be treated. This condition can be treated by a therapist that will guide you on how to go about eliminating this depression once and for all.
If you or your loved one is suffering from this disorder you should visit a therapist as soon as possible before it's too late. The therapist will tell you the dates where you will have to visit him/her and will most probably give you some medication to take when you at home. Therapists are professionals that are trained to help such people and are very good at doing their jobs.
And when getting treatment from a therapist you have to make sure you don't jump an appointment because that can delay the healing process and make sure you take the medication that is prescribed by the therapist.
There's a lot more involved to eliminating bipolar disorder. If you want more guidelines on how to be bipolar free and bring back true happiness in your life then get yourself a copy of the complete guide to stopping bipolar disorder here:
You can also get your FREE copy of our ebook "The Bipolar Disorder" that will give you various methods on how not to be a bipolar sufferer starting from today. Download your copy here: Bipolar disorder manual.

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Self Help Tips For Depression

Depression is a terrible disease to have to deal with in our lives. It drains our energy, kills our motivation, hope and dreams which make life harder than it should be. The good news is that depression does not have to stop you. While it isn't always easy overcoming depression, it is absolutely possible.
Now, there are different levels of depression which effect us humans. Some of us may have a mild case of depression which is easier to overcome than more severe cases. Some of us may be severely depressed or somewhere in between which makes beating depression tougher.
Putting depression behind you starts by thinking positive each and every day while making small steps in the correct direction. The good news, there is self help for depression in the form of information, support groups and various other resources. Friends and family can be a great help for those of us struggling with depression as well.
Depression Doesn't Have To Control Your Life
While depression is usually persistent, it does not have to control you. Taking life one day at a time while challenging negativity and thinking positive can help put depression in its place. That being said, it simply isn't always that easy. In many cases, there may be a need for medication and professional help to get a grip on your depression.
There are all types of medicines readily available nowadays which help to get control of severe depression. While you will need to see a doctor to get the correct medicines and dosages needed for your level of depression, it's not always the answer to treating depression. In many cases, depression can be beaten without having to resort to taking medicine.
Sometimes, visiting a mental health doctor and talking about your problems can help relieve some of your depression and symptoms. It always helps to vent instead of holding everything inside letting it boil. If you require professional help to get your depression under control then do not hesitate to seek it out. It doesn't mean you're a weak or bad person. Many of us do require professional help to control our depression if it is severe enough.
Self-Help Tips For Overcoming Depression
There are several things you can do to help keep depression at bay. Many people may label this as self help for depression as these are things you can do yourself to battle depression.
  • Make sure to get a full eight hours of sleep each and every night. This may sound like common sense to some, but if you aren't getting the proper rest then it can cause a strain or stress in your life.

  • Challenge negativity and surround yourself with positive people. There is nothing good that comes from thinking negatively and socializing with positive people can only help rub off on you.

  • Get outside and get some sun! Remaining indoors all day and isolating yourself will only make depression worse. Step outside and take a walk and enjoy what nature has to offer.

  • Attempt to keep your stress level from going too high. Stress will only make your depression worse than it already is, while relieving stress will help with depression.

  • Think about getting a pet. Caring for a pet has been shown to help those of us with different levels of depression.

  • Do things that you enjoy. If you enjoy a certain thing don't keep yourself from having fun.

  • Try to incorporate some exercise into your life. Working out or exercising can be a big stress reliever which will help with most cases of depression.

  • Make sure you start eating better. Try to eat healthy and do not skip meals. Certain types of foods can actually boost your serotonin levels which is responsible for happiness. Some examples of the types of foods you should be looking at are baked potatoes, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta and wheat breads. Also, bananas have been shown to relieve anxiety because of the magnesium found in bananas.

  • Take vitamins such as B6 to help alertness and B-12 to help keep a deficiencies in check which can trigger depression. Chromium picolinate supplements can also help and have been shown to help with mood swings and boost your naturally energy levels.
Larry Haywood is the creator of which is a self help and personal development website geared at helping others improve their lives. Find more articles like this one at

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