mardi 24 septembre 2013

How to Deal with Depression When Mourning the Death of a Loved One

Are you filled with despair and emptiness? Has life lost its meaning for you, and no one could possibly understand your feelings? Do you believe there is no future without your loved one? It is likely, if you are feeling this way that you are suffering from what is often called normal reactive depression. You are down and reacting because something or someone you cherish is gone.
We are not talking here about clinical or biochemical depression, although reactive depression can evolve into the clinical type. Depression from the loss of a loved one usually does not require medication, although in some instances it is prescribed, and is useful on a temporary basis. Here is what you need to know.
1. Not everyone gets depressed after the death of a loved one. It is perfectly normal not to suffer depression as it is to have to deal with it. However, after the death of a loved one, thoughts and attitudes often trigger loneliness and resulting depression, which occurs early in grieving. It features confusion, little motivation, altered self-esteem, lack of meaning, reduced functioning in one's social circle, insomnia, and low energy.
2. If you are depressed, acknowledge it. Describe it in detail, where it hurts, and what it feels like. "What is the message or messages this emotion is delivering to me?" is an important question to address. What do I need to accept? To let go of? The refusal to accept the loss is often a root cause of depression. Depending on what you believe about your depression will lead to choices that either help you manage it, or prolong it.
3. Talk to your best friend. Remember, the more you isolate yourself--and this is what depression tends to do--the more you will increase emotional and physical stress. Saying how you really feel (especially what you fear and how angry you may be) to someone you are confident of being with, is an excellent antidote for your grief and to deal with depression. And, forgiving yourself and others, will also release depressed feelings.
4. Use a universal treatment for depression: exercise. Physical activity will have an affect on brain chemistry and help in the management of depression. Take 10-15 minute walks, preferably with someone. This will activate your endorphins and affect mood.
5. Find a symbol of comfort and guidance. Create a symbol that will bring back loving memories of the person who died and/or of your Higher Power who is with you at all times, and will help you through your great loss. Keep the symbol in a place where you will see it often and use it as a cue to think of loving memories--and to accept the new conditions of life.
6. Are deep seated negative beliefs (I can't go on alone, I'm being punished, I'm never going to feel better, I'm worthless, etc.) adding to your depression? Regain your power. Take it back from those beliefs that say you are less and not more. Believe you can get well. Create opposing affirmations and keep repeating them throughout the day.
7. Start learning to tolerate uncertainty. This can be accomplished by turning toward your spiritual and symbolic beliefs. You will increase your options by letting your spiritual beliefs guide you and strengthen your faith that you will get through this hurtful loss. Know what you can and cannot control. You can control how you deal with major changes; you cannot control what others say and do or what has already happened.
8. Let possibility educate you out of depression. Here is where your imagination can help in a very positive way. Are you open to exploring the numerous choices there are for dealing with loss? Begin to learn about them from others, support groups, readings, and the experts. By creating options for dealing with fear, anger, guilt, and negative thoughts, you can change your view of what lies ahead.
9. Check your eating habits and whether you have an insufficiency of amino acids. Protein consumption at all three meals can affect neurotransmitters and your energy levels. Reduce carbohydrate (not complex carbs), sugar, alcohol, and fast food consumption, and increase fruits and vegetables. The way you feel physically will add to or detract from depression.
Whenever you feel depression creeping back in, immediately ask yourself this key question, "What are my choices here?" If you are burying your feelings and not facing them, depression is a common result.
Refuse to withdraw from life; make connections and express your feelings to a support group or to your best friend. If your depressive symptoms go on for more than a couple of months, be sure to consult a professional counselor. You can get through this darkness and into the light by taking action early (don't wait for it to worsen) to deal with this pervasive emotion.
Dr. LaGrand is a grief counselor and the author of eight books, the most recent, the popular Love Lives On: Learning from the Extraordinary Encounters of the Bereaved. He is known world-wide for his research on the Extraordinary Experiences of the bereaved (after-death communication phenomena) and is one of the founders of Hospice of the St. Lawrence Valley, Inc. His free monthly ezine website is

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What is Psychological Depression?

It is one of the most common and most serious mental health problems facing people today. Psychological depression can interfere with a person's ability to function effectively throughout the day or even to have the motivation to get out of bed in the morning and it is in fact so common that over 1 in 5 Americans can expect to get some form of depression in their lifetime.
The causes behind depression are complex and not yet fully understood but we are able to treat it much more effectively because we have a better understanding of the causes of clinical depression.
The first step in fighting depression is to understand what it is, how it affects you, and what causes it. Unfortunately, many people do not recognize that depression is a treatable illness. Most people with a depressive illness do not seek treatment; although the great majority, even those whose depression is extremely severe can be helped. This condition is so common that over 1 in 5 Americans can expect to get some form of depression in their lifetime.
Symptoms of major depression include at least five of the following symptoms (at least one must include the first and second listed below) and they must be present nearly every day, all day, for 2 weeks: Persistent depressed mood, including feelings of emptiness or sadness, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, feelings of hopelessness or pessimism, feelings of guilt, worthlessness and helplessness, insomnia, early morning awakening or oversleeping, change in eating (either loss or increased appetite), decreased energy, fatigue or feeling slowed down, restlessness and irritability, difficulty concentrating, remembering or making decisions, thoughts of suicide or death, persistent physical symptoms, such as headaches, digestive disorders or chronic pain. A less severe type of depression, Dysthymia, involves long-term, chronic symptoms that do not disable, but keep one from functioning well or from feeling good.
The most important thing anyone can do for the depressed person is to help him or her get an appropriate diagnosis and treatment. The guidelines for diagnosis of major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder are found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM IV). The depressed mood must persist for greater than two weeks in order to warrant this diagnosis.
The first step to getting appropriate treatment for depression is a physical examination by a physician. Without treatment, symptoms can last for weeks, months, or years. Appropriate treatment, however, can help most people who suffer from depression. If a diagnosis of depression is made, treatment with medication and/or psychotherapy will help the depressed person return to a happier, more fulfilling life. Most do best with combined treatment: medication to gain relatively quick symptom relief and psychotherapy to learn more effective ways to deal with life's problems, including depression.
Psychological depression is not something you can just "snap out of", it is a serious medical condition that affects the chemistry of the brain. With the appropriate medical treatment the vast majority of people of suffer from its effects can live depression free lives.
Andrew Bicknell is a writer, webmaster, and the owner of Depression and You. Visit his website for more information about psychological depression and other depressive disorders.

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3 Simple Keys to Overcoming Depression Forever

When I was younger, maybe four or five or maybe even six years old, I was what many would call an "out of control kid". There was always drama in my family from some place or another, and anybody with true sight would see that I was simply a product of my environment.
Before, let's say the change in my bodies "Bio-chemistry", I had never had any feelings of depression and I certainly had no idea what the word even meant.
I had large amounts of energy and problems with anger, but never depression.
Yet when I was prescribed Ritalin and its sister Clonidine (Catapres) by such a 'wise' doctor, I started to experience ups and downs, I'd go from anger into sadness, from energetic to lethargic, and this continued for almost seven years.
During that time I was also put on Dexamphetamine, which if you know anything about it, its side-effects can be depression and aggressive behaviour.
I sometimes look back at my childhood and laugh at the way we like to just cover things up, almost like a Band-Aid, treating the symptomology and neglecting the cause.
I ran away from home when I was eleven, and ended up living with my father, now he was totally opposed to all medication and stop it in its tracks. The interesting thing is that the depression I once felt disappeared within a few weeks and has been gone since... There were still other issues but the topic is depression.
Definition of depression (According to the Oxford dictionary)
  • 1[mass noun] severe, typically prolonged, feelings of despondency and dejection: self-doubt creeps in and that swiftly turns to depression
  • Medicinea mental condition characterized by severe feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy, typically accompanied by a lack of energy and interest in life: she suffered from clinical depression
If you are like most people then you may read that definition and still be thinking "I'm still not really clear on what it is though"
How about we simply put it like this:
Depression is excessive negative introspection, more simply, thinking about things from the past in a negative way, worrying about things in the future.
What happens next is you start to get all those feelings, the hopelessness, the sadness, you start to feel like you've got no energy and so forth.
For decades, medicine has believed that depression is a result of chemical imbalance. It is now a known fact that the chemical imbalance is a result of the depression, not the cause.
Yet for some reason, so many have yet to catch on to this train of thought.
Why do you think that majority of people who do a cycle of antidepressants, fall back into depression once off them?
Think about it from an un-biased view... Each of these examples makes sense, from some point of view:
  • One could say that because they stopped taking the thing which was creating a balance of chemicals in the brain, that the imbalance re-occurred, and the depression kicked back in as a result.
  • One could say that they became dependent on the medication.
  • One could say that they need on going therapy to help them avoid symptoms.
  • One could say that because the doctors were merely treating the symptomology, not the cause, that as soon as medication ceased, the thing that caused the symptoms (negative dwelling on past, present and future) kicked back into action in full force and caused them to enter an even deeper state of depression than before.
You can decide what you believe is true, what I know from my personal life and from working clients regularly is this: firstly, we must help them change how they think (cognitive), next we must help them with what they do (behavioural) and lastly we must be solutions orientated, not problem orientated, Simple right?
1. Cognitive Therapy - How we think is the first key.
Remember how I mentioned that excessive dwelling in a negative way causes depression?
Well for somebody that is in a state of depression, having them access all the things in their life that could be causing the depression is absolutely counter-productive. This causes the client to become even more depressed, they already dwell on things in a negative fashion they don't need to go and pay to dwell, that's why people that go see traditional therapists leave feeling worse than when they got there.
It's how we perceive the world that creates meaning for us, and everybody perceives the world differently, depending on life experiences, beliefs, values, and so forth.
For somebody that is depressed we first need to teach them how to change the way they perceive world and the secret is language.
"Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so" - William Shakespeare
To properly understand depression, you need to understand that we don't really reflect reality, we more so interpret it.
That's the reason two people can see the same event and give different descriptions of it.
A metaphor I like is the tree falling in the forest:
  • A big old tree fell down in the forest and nobody was there to see it... (No meaning)
  • Along came a hiker and saw the great majestic tree that had fallen and thinks "How sad that this beautiful tree should fall"... (Meaning is sad)
  • Further down the track, a man looks out of his cabin window to see the big tree gone and he exclaims "Oh great! What a marvelous view I now have"... (Meaning is happy)
It's our perception that creates meaning, and it's the meaning we give things that influences our emotions.
The first key to being rid of depression for good is changing how you think about things, do you use language like "Why can't I make good money? Why can't I find a good relationship? Why do I always attract losers? Am I that worthless that nobody cares?"
Whatever question you ask yourself, you will get an answer, that answer will either give you a positive feeling or negative.
Ask yourself "How can I make good money? How can I find the most amazing and fulfilling relationship? How can I attract abundance and love into my life? I KNOW I AM BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING!"
2. Behavioural Therapy - What you do, effects how you live
This article has already gotten too large so I have to be short, so you need to become aware of the things you do because you can be the most positive person in the world, yet if your behaviours aren't s supporting as they could be then you will find yourself in positions where you really just don't want to be. Depression in my opinion is simply behaviour, something that we have learned to do.
Did you know that in Australia, over 100,000 children are diagnosed with depression each year? The astonishing thing is that some kids are as young as five.
How on earth could that be possible?
As I considered it, the only real logical answer was that it is something they have learned from their environment, children are like sponges, if there is always tension and conflict in home life then they will absorb it all up.
From a behavioural therapy point of view, anything thing that can be learned, can be un-learned, in NLP - we change behaviour very quickly.
3. Solution based Therapy and Interpersonal Therapy - Focusing on the things you want, not on the things you don't and learning how to relate in a better way.
This I feel is a big thing; it seems that we are pre-conditioned to focus our attention on all the things that are going wrong in the world. Consider the news, magazines, newspapers and so forth, would you stop and watch the news if the report was "And today was a great day, lots of people had a good day at work and then they went home to spend time with their family"
You most likely wouldn't right?
But if it said "1000's died in a railway explosion today, officials believe it's the result of a terrorist organization"
You will likely watch, because it is shocking, and it catches your attention, but he's the problem; we are being conditioned to believe that there is more bad than good in the world. And that's one of the reasons why depression and anxiety is so common these days. One in six Australians suffers depression.
We also need to learn how to better relate to our lives because so many people just feel like they don't fit in or can't find friendships and so forth. You also need to consider whether the relationships you have already, are truly benefiting you or whether they are holding you in place, locking the shackles of your current position.
So there it is:
  • If you can learn to change how you think (The language you use, and questions you ask yourself)
  • If you can un-learn some of those unwanted behaviour
  • If you can redirect your focus and develop your interpersonal skills
Then you may find that the behaviour of depression disappears and is replaced by the behaviour of living a happy life.
I'd also suggest that if you have been suffering from depression, then to find somebody that can help you to overcome it, not just mask it.
NLP, Time Line Therapy, and Hypnotherapy are so effective for helping people to unlearn, grow and be happy, so stop living below your potential and allow yourself to transform.
I'm Todd Pierce from Prime-Minds Solutions. I work with clients on a regular basis with anything from depression to leadership training. I strongly believe that life is far to short to be caught up in things from your past and worrying about the future. 1. the future hasn't happened yet, and 2. the past is done and gone, so let it go. Jump onto my website and have a read and be sure to fill in the form and get a free motivational/inspirational audio download.

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Teenage Depression - Statistics

There are numerous sources of information quoting statistics of the prevalence of teenage depression and these statistics appear to be increasing every year. But what is the value of knowing the grim reality facing the youth of our generation. Well historical statistics will indicate that teen depression was almost unheard of about 15 years ago, yet today the average statistics seem to indicate that a staggering 20% of teenagers will experience depression before they reach 18. One could argue that lack of knowledge and awareness of the signs and symptoms of teenage depression may have resulted in many teens being undiagnosed and simply labelled 'typical' teenagers. But extensive research and statistical evidence have brought this growing problem to the forefront of mental health programmes worldwide. Statistics of teen depression, regardless of how disturbing, helps us to recognize that it is a problem shared by many and has resulted in a growing resource of help and support.
An even more unsettling statistic is that out of the 20% of teens that experience depression, only 33% receive help or follow through on the recovery process. Educational and awareness campaigns are aimed at family and friends as well as depressed teens themselves in order to reduce the number of undiagnosed cases of teen depression, as research indicates that 80% of teenagers who access the appropriate services can be successfully treated. Given the evidence of success of appropriate treatment and intervention, it is sad that the statistics report about 90% of suicide cases to be linked to depression or other mental conditions, especially when approximately 1 million American teens attempt to commit suicide every year.
Another useful outcome of statistical research into the prevalence of teen depression is that it highlights key precipitators or risk factors in the teen population. For example, the evidence suggests that girls are twice more likely to experience depression than boys. There is also evidence of a small percentage of teenagers that suffer from seasonal depression, usually during winter months and in higher latitudes. Also, in almost 50% of teen depression cases there is a family history of depression or other mental condition. These statistics have resulted in mental health programmes and awareness campaigns being more focused to reach more vulnerable groups.
These statistics tell us that parents, as well as teenagers themselves need to be aware of the risk of depression in individuals who endure intense emotional or social difficulties, or have experienced recent trauma or loss. It is also important to be aware that 70% of teens who do suffer with depression will have more than one episode before adulthood. By recognizing the signs and symptoms of depression early, friends and family of the depressed teen can assist him or her to seek help early and provide the invaluable support in the teenager's time of need. This will be the key to lowering the unsettling statistics of teen depression in the future.
The must read book: "All you wanted to know about Teen Depression", is available at: [] Anne Ross is a Psychotherapist, Counsellor, Crises facilitator, Cranial Sacral and Myofascial Therapist, including various other Massage/Body/Energy techniques, but above all she is a mother. She is an accredited member of the Traditional-Medicine Society and the Association of Transactional Analysis.

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Natural Depression Treatments Still Require a Doctor

Natural Depression Treatments Still Require a Doctor
There are a lot of products and therapies that claim to be natural cures for depression, but before you go and start experimenting on some of these often expensive products, be sure to talk to your doctor about just how effective they may be. Some are definitely more effective than others for treating clinical depression but some are only effective at getting your money.
Herbal Remedies
Herbal remedies are classified in the United States as dietary supplements, not medicine, so they do not have the same kind of regulations as prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medications do. It's important to remember that just because it is "natural" doesn't mean supplements and herbs aren't potentially dangerous.
St. John's Wort is a very popular supplement for treating mild depression and has been used in Europe for centuries to treat depression and a number of other woes. Because it can interfere with medications prescribed for heart disease, seizures, and some cancers, it is definitely not something for just everyone. Safer natural remedies to try include increasing omega-3 fatty acids and folate, a B vitamin, in your diet. Omega-3s are a healthy fat that offer a broad range of benefits to both body and mind, and a folate deficiency can actually hinder how well medications prescribed by your doctor work. Talk to your doctor about finding the right amounts of any dietary supplement that could benefit you, whether they are for depression or some other problem.
Mind Over Body
For centuries there have been disciplines espousing the idea that with enough training and focus, all difficulties might be overcome, even depression. Often classified in Western Medicine as "alternative" treatments, these include acupuncture, massage therapy, meditation, and yoga. Many of these traditions insist that there must be proper balance in the body and its energies and harmony between it and the mind for true health.
While alternative treatments for depression can be beneficial for relief in especially more mild symptoms, major depression should always be monitored by a licensed physician or counselor. There are less inherent dangers in using these alternative treatments but as with any treatment for depression, they are not for everyone. With this in mind, books and videos that claim to be able to teach you how to cure your own depression should be approached with a great deal of skepticism. Ifyou've ever tried a self-diagnosing tool on the internet then you know that the symptoms of stubbing your toe could easily be bubonic plague. The people who write these self-help programs are often just as accurate in targeting the issues you need to overcome in order to really treat your depression.
If you suffer from depression, or think you might be, always talk to your doctor first. The prescription pad is not always the first thing doctors reach for and there are some excellent options for natural treatments that include the standard talk therapies and newer methods involving ecotherapy.
Oklahoma Drug and Alcohol Rehab is a treatment center that takes people out of the confinement of walls and into an open, natural environment to allow individuals to discover for themselves how best to overcome the behaviors their addiction hinges on. More than just drug and alcohol treatment, Oklahoma DAR hosts a number of other renewal programs to help with depression and compulsive behaviors with in-depth life coaching in the beautiful settings found in the Texoma wilderness.For More click here:

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dimanche 22 septembre 2013

Depression and Mental Illness - 7 Foods That Heal Depression and Mental Illness

It is basically boils down to what you put in your body. Depression and Mental Illness is, among other things, a disorder of chemicals inside the brain. If you not nourishing that body of yours it will be sick. it will not cope any more. It will be depressed. Think about it this way - if you do not water a plant and give it some compost it will not function properly and not yield fruits.
During the big depression (not the one that might be coming on us now, the one in the 30s) a lot of people in southern United States ate a lot of corn which is very low in tryptophan. Tryptophan is converted in the body to niacin. Niacin has been proven many times to treat people with serious cases of depression and mental illnesses. Most of those people suffered pallegra which is lack of vitamin B3. Among other things they suffered dementia, schizophrenia and psychosis. They all had been seriously affected by it and it was discovered at some stage that vitamin B3 niacin is the answer. Once a little niacin was added to their diet - 90% of them were cured. This is just one example of what the right nutrition can do to chronic illnesses. Here are 7 more:
  1. Eat raw! Here is an exercise. Take a whole month and eat fresh raw food in that month. That is not to say you should make it a vegetarian month, by all means take your protein from meat but do not cook your vegetables. Eat lots of fresh salad that is made of fresh uncooked tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, lettuces, capsicums,brown button mushrooms, avocadoes, sprouts, red onion, garlic, salt, pepper, lemon juice and tons of extra virgin olive oil. And in the end of the month see if you feel better.
  2. Consume lots of fruit. And organic is better.
  3. Swallow niacin. If you are depressed and consume 250-500mg of niacin you will probably feel better within 15 minutes. Niacin has been proven time and again to treat depression. You will have a flush, but that is OK, do not worry about it. And if you do not feel better after 15 minutes - then take more niacin.
  4. Immerse your body with lots of vitamin C. Vitamin C will help create some chemicals, i.e. brain chemicals (see beginning of article) that will improve your mood.
  5. Eat food with tryptophan. Cashew, chicken and turkey and generally nuts are all high in tryptophen. A couple of handful of cashew nuts will treat the body for depression, naturally, the same as a prescription dose of prozac. Cashew nuts are fattening, I know, but cashew nuts are a meal by themselves, you will not be hungry after eating two handfuls of cashews. And besides, who cares about getting fat if you can get rid of depression. And that leads me to nutrition number 6:
  6. Exercise. Exercise and exercise. Do not abuse the body, 3-4 hours of exercise per week will do wonders to your body and workout all those cashew nuts.
  7. Combine all the above. There is a way to heal depression, and you have to work for it, nothing is instant and there is no magic pill. In fact all those pills you are taking for depression will magically kill you. Depression is a serious illness and it has to be treated naturally to have high chance of success.
Roy Gol is an expert Nutrition Adviser and creator and owner of Acai House [].
Food Matters is a program I review in my blog and that provides a series of videos that give you a ton of information about how to heal depression and mental illness. They also have a 20 minutes FREE videos just so that you see what this is all about. AND they will also give you your money back if you are not happy with the program. See it here. [].

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Depression Test

Depression is a fairly common medical condition that affects a large number of people around the world. It is also one of the most misunderstood and misdiagnosed problems out there. For a long time, people have been told that it is all in their mind and they should "snap out of it". Today, however, people have realized it is a serious condition that calls for medical attention. Before concluding that one has depression, it is important to get a diagnosis. A depression test can help people to confirm whether or not they have the condition. Once a person has the information, it is the first step to seeking treatment.
Doctors and mental health experts often carry out several tests to find out whether or not a patient is suffering from depression. It is important to find out if one has depression or if it is another condition that has similar symptoms. The tests that are carried out by the health experts include physical and other evaluation tests. A proper diagnosis can only be carried out by examining the symptoms that the patient exhibits. Most professionals will generally use assessment tools to detect the depression. The assessment will cover a number of questions that help to pick out signs of depression.
Someone who is diagnosed with depression will most likely have exhibited the symptoms for a long period of time. Someone who is feeling sad or low after having gone through a tragic situation cannot necessarily be diagnosed as having depression. The depression tests have a comprehensive list of symptoms and if the patient exhibits 5 or more symptoms for a period of over 2 weeks, then depression can be diagnosed. The symptoms are evaluated and taken alongside the results of the physical tests. After all other medical conditions have been ruled out, the patient is diagnosed with depression and treatment can begin. Getting treatment for depression is very important as it can even help to avert death.
A number of websites have been offering free tests for people who think they may be suffering from depression. When someone logs onto the sites there are some questions to answer and after you have given your responses, the test will come back either positive or negative. While the tests may offer pertinent information, it is important to seek medical attention. The online tests should not be used as a self-diagnostic mechanism. There are many medical conditions that can exhibit the same symptoms as depression. Anyone who thinks that they may have depression and has taken the online tests should visit a doctor for a more comprehensive diagnosis. Depression is a serious illness that should not be taken lightly. It can have serious consequences on one's ability to function in every area of life.

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Difference Between Psychotic and Neurotic Depression

There are so many forms of depression. Neurotic depression is another form of depression that is observed in people. It is also known as dysthymia disorder. It is a chronic form of depression and is distinguished by the frames of mind that are constantly low however it is not as severe as the other forms of depression. Psychotic depression is the most dangerous form of depression. People that suffer from this form of depression experience the problems like Hallucination and Delusions. Hallucination causes problems in vision and hearing problems. Delusion causes fears and development of negative thoughts in human minds.
Difference between Psychotic and neurotic depression
The cause of Neurotic depression is completely unknown. So many researches have been done to identify the reason of neurotic disorders but none of the research has been successful. This form of depression is not as severe as other forms of depression. It causes depressed mood, hopelessness and despair almost everyday. It is mostly observed in women as compared with men. It can also occur in children as well. The cause of Psychotic depression is also unknown. However few researches have shown that it has something to do with hormonal changes. Hormone named Cortical is the main cause of psychotic depressions that normally leads to stress. It is also not a severe form of depression but should be cured in time. Neurotic depression generally affects four to five percent of general population. It can easily be cured by the help of medicines prescribed by the specialist. It may persist for years if not cured at the right time. In case of this type of depression consulting with a specialist is a wise decision.
Other causes of Neurotic depression
1. Appetite problem, you tend to overeating or less eating.
2. Sleeping problems
3. Your energy level gets low.
4. Ability to Concentrate gets affected
5. Poor self admiration.
Other causes of Psychotic depression
1. Sleeping problems
2. It plays a huge role to get you in the state of Anxiety.
3. You tend to loose the ability to move.
4. Your ears and eyes do not work normally.
Neurotic depression can be cured easily both by medicines and psychotherapy. Medicine that is frequently used to get rid of this disorder is Fluoxetine (Prozac). Along with medicines talk therapies are also very much used to cure this disorder. It has been observed that the interpersonal and behavioral therapies have been a great help in Neurotic depression. Psychotic depression can be cured by antidepressants. Antipsychotic drugs and antidepressants are greatly helpful in the treatment of this type of depression. Trained professionals also use ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) technology to treat psychotic depression. People have found it really very good that have been through ECT. The recovery from psychotic depression takes more than one year time, but the result is always satisfying. Neurotic depression also takes almost the same amount of time. The results in case of neurotic depression are also very good.
Do you want to discover more about depression? Drop us a visit and find out more articles about topics such as agitated depression and alcoholism depression.
Or are you interested more in solutions and depression treatment? Start now and compare reviews of this year's best products!

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How Do I Recognize the Signs of Depression After a Break Up?

Many people suffer from depression after the loss of something. But how do you know if you are depressed or just experiencing the normal emotions following the loss of a relationship? Afterall, it's normal to cry, lose sleep, lose your appetite, feel guilty and sad after a break up, isn't it? So if these feelings are all normal how do you recognize the signs of depression after a break up?
Everyone will experience feelings of sadness and anger after a relationship breakup. It's when these feelings last for an extended period of time that they become more concerning. The timeframe may vary depending on who you talk to but typically if you have had these sad feelings or changes in behaviour, appetite, sleep patterns or lifestyle for more than a month then you may be experiencing depression.
Common signs of depression after a relationship break up are these: loss of interest in daily activities, loss of pleasure in activities formerly enjoyed, feelings of sadness, helplessness, or hopelessness, crying spells, sleeping too much or too little, trouble concentrating, difficulty making decisions, memory problems, increased or decreased appetite, unexplained weight gain or loss, restlessness, becoming easily annoyed, lack of energy on a daily basis, speaking in a slow, monotonous tone, feelings of guilt, less interest in sex, thoughts of death, and physical problems such as headaches or stomach problems.
As you can see the signs of depression are very similar to what most people would consider normal feelings and emotions that you would experience after breaking up with someone. It's really the time frame that defines depression after a break up. The longer these feelings last the more likely it is that you are suffering from depression. Because the signs and symptoms are similar you may not recognize them. If you do recognize them you may just figure they will go away on their own.
Once you have recognized the signs of depression after a break up there are simple steps you can take on your own to help overcome it. If these things don't work then it is advised that you seek the help of your medical doctor for advice in how to treat depression.
If you would like more information about relationships that will help you recover from a painful break-up then click here now Signs Of Depression
Peter Harris is a health care professional and author and writes frequently about relationships.

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Agitated Depression - The 6 Unique Symptoms

Most people have never heard of agitated depression but it does exist. It reveals itself in a way that is indicative of its name - moods of irritability, short temper and aggravation. Often times the condition presents itself as an anger management issue as the individual will have outbursts of anger and rage.
Often times, the underlying feeling that they have is that they are misunderstood and that no one knows how they are feeling. This type of depression is a hypo-manic depression meaning they exhibit hypo-manic behavior.
Even in cases of other depressions, such as major depressive disorder, there can be levels of irritability, aggravation and agitation. However, when it comes to agitated depression, these moods are enhanced and more pronounced. Moods of irritability and agitation are just a few of the classic symptoms of agitated depression. There are many other symptoms as well and understanding them will make it easier to understand and diagnose. It's important to note that these symptoms also present themselves in cases of manic depressive disorder so sometimes diagnosing can be a bit tricky.
The assumed anger management issues also pose a problem, as professionals may wrongfully diagnose a manic depressive disorder or agitated depression and prescribe antidepressants unnecessarily. This can result in amplifying things whereby the agitation and symptoms of depression actually worsen. This also increases the thoughts and risk of suicide.
When someone has agitated depression it can be quite serious and the characteristics and symptoms can be mild in nature or become quite severe. The severity of the depression and angry outbursts really depend on the individual themselves. This type of depression is more prevalent in middle age to elderly people however it has been diagnosed in younger individuals as well.
There are a variety of symptoms that you should look out for if you suspect someone is suffering with this form of depression. Often times the person will be "antsy" and have a difficult time sitting still or staying in one place for too long. They also have serious, spontaneous mood swings where they will be calm, cool and collected on minute then have an emotional or physical outburst the next. Violent verbal outbursts are also a possibility.
Below you'll see a list of other symptoms that may present themselves as well.
  • Tearing or pulling at the clothing
  • Intense feelings and thoughts
  • Endless thoughts and movement which are essentially without base
  • Talking nearly continuously
  • Wringing of the hands
  • Violent verbal outbursts.
If you, or someone you know, are/is experiencing some or all of these symptoms then you should consider contacting a professional for a thorough evaluation and diagnosis. As with many other types of depression, agitated depression can be successfully treated. The treatment plan may include antidepressants, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, or in severe cases admission to a depression treatment facility. Bottom line is that there is hope for anyone suffering with depression. The key is to acknowledge that there may be a problem, seek out support from a professional and embark on a successful treatment plan.
Dana Zarcone is a National Certified Counselor. She created to provide information, tools and assistance to those suffering with depression. Learn more about agitated depression and other types of depression by going to her website.

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samedi 21 septembre 2013

Treatments of Depression Articles: What Should Treatment of Depression Articles Accomplish?

Writing treatments for Depression articles requires conducting research from the Internet, medical journals, and quite possibly the personal experiences of the author. The information you gather is not to be copied, cut and pasted from the web, or otherwise falsified. You cannot take others work and make it your own; if you quote an article or person you must provide the information of where you took the information from.
The purpose of these articles is to provide others with information that is practical, easy to understand, and usable. Terms that may not be known by the reader should be explained either within the article or cited at the end of your own article. Terms could actually appear at the beginning of the article as well.
The reader of your treatments of Depression articles should be able to relay this information to a doctor, a counselor, or a family member. People are hungry for accurate information.
The information provided in the articles must be correct. Providing inadequate or incorrect information is not only unethical it could be dangerous for the reader. Incorrect information could present a danger to one who reads it.
What kind of information on Depression should be included?
The kind of information you put in your articles will depend on the title or subject of the piece. For example, if you are writing about severe Depression treatments, you should try to explain them and include any related dangers or side effects of the treatments. This is imperative for the safety of the reader and your own credibility. Your reader should always be on your mind as you write.
In your writing of treatments of Depression articles your writing should be clear, grammar and spelling error free. Your information must be accurate and as complete as possible. The reader should be encouraged to do their own searches for treatments and any options they may have.
As you write, keep your reader in mind. It may help to have in mind the kind of information you; yourself would want to read as well as how you would use that information. If you can make it interesting and add a little humor, your articles will be good.
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John Gibb is the manager and owner of various health websites. His latest addition is Natural Depression Alleviation

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Depression - When Depression Strikes and How to Cope With It!

Depression is a simple reaction due to lack of control or monotony. People get depressed when they experience financial constraints or losing a loved one. But there are people who have genetic predispositions when it comes to depression.
Varying degrees of chronic depressed moods are caused by chemical imbalances that happen in the brain. Hormonal changes can also prompt depression while seasonal cycles can trigger depressive moods. Most persons who are suffering from a physical illness also get depressed.
Depression is an example of mood disorders. Other examples of mood disorders are dysthymia, postpartum disorder, and bipolar disorder. A person with manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder, experiences periods of extreme highs (or happiness) that is followed by extreme lows (or sadness). Clinical depression is a mood disorder that is considered as long-term depression while seasonal affective disorder relates to the cyclical mode's seasons.
Every year, more and more people are seeking for medical help to treat their depression disorders. The stigma of being depressed becomes less but more people are already claiming that they are experiencing the symptoms of depressed person.
Various types of drugs are already available to help treat people suffering from clinical and manic depression. There are also medical doctors who give prescriptions to these types of drugs to their patients who claim that they are suffering from depression. The problem is, most of these doctors just give prescriptions without even performing psychiatric tests to determine of the person is really eligible to take such drugs.
People who think that they are suffering from depression should consult a psychologist. It is the psychologist's role to determine what kind of therapy is needed by the person suffering from depression. After being diagnosed by the psychologist, the services of a psychiatrist could also be needed. It is the psychiatrist who gives the prescription on the drugs that will help in balancing the chemical imbalances in the brain. Depressed people can easily be treated with the help of medicines and series of therapy sessions in order to help the person determine cause of their depression.
There are two ways to treat persons with mood disorders like depression. The traditional way is the recommendation made by the psychologist or psychiatrist which includes giving prescriptions for antidepressants and conducting a psychological counseling. The alternative way refers to the use of natural remedies such as taking supplements and herbal medicines, acupuncture, exercise therapy, massage therapy, hypnotherapy, talk therapy, and 5-senses therapy.
Different types of treatment can help treat persons with mood disorders. However, it should be remembered that the treatment applied to a person would also work with the other person. For example, the walk therapy which is a 30-minute walk everyday gives an immediate result to a person's lift in mood. But when the same treatment is applied in St. John's Wort, the result became visible after a few days time. This only shows that each person is really different from another. What might be applicable on a person's situation may not be the case with the other.
Irene Loch is a well known teacher of Kinesiology, for more information click on:-

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Animal Therapy for Depression

Who could dispute that animals can have a positive effect on emotional well-being? With research being conducted into the field of alternative medicine on an on-going basis, more and more people are beginning to realize the cathartic effects that animals are having on individuals well-being, especially so in those patients suffering with depression.
While some people recover from depression using medications alone, there are many others, who would prefer to use a combination of alternative therapies to try to alleviate the symptoms of depression. One of these treatments being studied is 'Pet Therapy', but what is this alternative and how could it help?
Many scientists have spent endless hours looking into the different types of therapy available for treating depression as an illness; 'Pet Therapy' has been concluded as one of these therapies. Animals have long been recognized as being a positive force in the healing process.
Dogs notably have a calming and therapeutic effect on people. They can help individuals to cope with the emotional issues related to their illness. They also offer physical contact with another living creature and help to divert a person's attention from their pressing daily problems. Owning a dog brings about a sense of responsibility. Dogs rely on their owners for feeding, walking, attention and love. What better excuse for a depressed person to get out of bed in the morning?
Dogs love almost everyone without any degree of prejudice or rejection. You do not need to speak any type of language to communicate with a four-legged friend. Give them a treat, tickle their tummy and they will love you without bounds. Dogs are aware of illness and sadness and genuinely want to provide companionship and comfort; they show an abundance of intelligence and are both intuitive and compassionate. Any dog owner will relate and agree with me when I say that it is a warm feeling when their dog can detect their sorrow and lick their tears away.
Pet Therapy can facilitate many positive changes one such example being increased socialization skills. Animals can be used as part of group therapy programs to encourage communication and increase the ability to focus. Helping to develop a person's self-esteem and reducing their loneliness and anxiety are just some potential benefits of individual-animal therapy.
The bond between humans and animals is demonstrated every day in millions of homes around the world. It is also becoming a powerful, common mode of therapy in many facilities such as hospitals, schools and residential homes.
While it is difficult to measure and quantify the benefits of dog therapy with hard scientific fact, there is no question that the magical interaction possible between animal and human is unmistakable. Tears can be dried. Scowls transform into smiles. Silence is broken and lastly but not least importantly loneliness and isolation can be ejected from a person through mere touch and cuddles. Dogs offer their owner's absolute and unconditional love and a level of boundless patience that no human could ever possibly give. The love of a dog is unlimited, what better form of alternative therapy could there be?
Author reserves all rights to this work.
(c) Samantha Weaver 2006
Samantha Weaver is Author of Saving Samantha: A Young Woman's Escape from Childhood Hell. (ISBN 1401910300) Due for release 17/04/06. Find out more at []

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Foods That Help Fight Depression

Every person has the blues from time to time. But when they take place on a more frequent basis, you should be worried. You can adjust your diet to help stabilize your mood. It is crucial to eat meals at regular intervals with the purpose of keeping your serotonin levels in check. It is a chemical in the brain that has a calming effect. High-quality nutrition is the best defense for fighting depression.
Here are some food ideas to help you fight depression.
Carbohydrates play role in the production of serotonin and lack of carbohydrates can lead to changes in your mood.
Salmon and mackerel are a great choice, because they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These acids also help prevent stroke and heart disease and may help in the prevention of some cancers. Salmon also contains selenium, which is an essential antioxidant mineral. You should eat wild salmon, given that it contains more omegas than farmed, or Atlantic, salmon.
Several studies confirmed that people who suffer from depression also have lower levels of the vitamin E. Canola oil is rich in vitamin E. It is a healthier alternative for sautéing foods and vegetables.
Dark green vegetables such as spinach and peas are high in folate. It is a substance that has a key role in the production of serotonin. Eat fresh vegetables, because canned versions usually have lower nutritional value. Legumes are also rich in folate.
Chickpeas are rich in iron, vitamin E and fiber. To prepare a simple snack, mix a can of drained and rinsed chickpeas with some minced garlic, fresh lemon juice, and olive or canola oil in your blender. You can add salt, pepper or other spices that you prefer.
Chicken and turkey are both rich in vitamin B6, which also has an important role in serotonin production.
At the end, if you've been dealing with the symptoms of depression for some time, you need to contact your doctor.
Do you know about these three little known natural remedies that can help you fight depression effectively without all the drugs and chemicals? Use them and you can say goodbye to depression.

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Depression and Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are caused by abnormal eating patterns. These could be overeating or inadequate food intake. Many people tend to eat more food to suppress extreme emotions and depression. They use the snacks and food indulged in as escape routes to deal with emotional stress or bad relationships. Some common eating disorders are anorexia, compulsive eating, binge eating and bulimia. These eating disorders are curable if they are detected in time and medical advice is followed. It is also possible to have multiple eating disorders. People who suffer from eating disorders become very weak emotionally. They use food as a medium to relieve themselves. Emotional support is the most essential requirement to treat these individuals.
Self-esteem problems are at the core of many eating disorders. They also play a role in other conditions, such as depression, alcoholism, drug abuse, self-injury and suicide. Depression may precede eating disorders and contribute to their onset. It has also been observed that living with the eating disorder leads to depression.
Depressive disorders are known to affect the way an individual eats, sleeps and feels about himself and others. Without treatment, the symptoms may last for weeks, months or even an entire lifetime. Proper and timely treatment can help to eradicate the cause for depression. Depressive illness often interferes with usual functioning and causes pain and distress.
Psychotherapy, medication or a combination of both is helpful. Psychotherapy involves talking about specific feelings with a qualified professional equipped to help individuals to alter relationships and thoughts.
Medication that treats severe and disabling depression is available. At times, several medicines are tried out before the doctor finds the one that works best. A regular and monitored well-balanced diet is the safest way to battle these disorders and in the bargain deal with depression effectively.
Eating Disorders [] provides detailed information on Eating Disorders, Eating Disorder Statistics, Information On Eating Disorders, Athletes and Eating Disorders and more. Eating Disorders is affiliated with Ordering Phentermine Diet Pills.

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The Truth on How I Fought Clinical Depression

"It takes one to know one", that's what I always say. Depression is one human condition that is still being studied by psychologists and behavioral sociologists that still have no answer to where it all started. Some say that it is sociologically incurred while others say that it is a genetically transferred from one generation to another. Whatever its causes are, it is still a very dark and sometimes fatal condition once it gets hold of the human psyche. The only present form of intervention that keeps this mental condition at bay is psychiatric medication and social interaction.
Depression in the earliest years of obvious manifestations could have been triggered by a number of factors including traumatic experiences, chemical imbalance and genetic causes. The levels of systemic manifestation can range from mild to the most dreaded suicidal tendencies. The onset of the Depression has no pattern whatsoever and the chances of anyone having it are high, though not obvious as it has numerous symptoms that can never be traced to one having it.
Growing up I had experiences of being bullied and harassed but that was not the cause of my anxieties and I didn't have panic attacks until much later during the time that I got married. During the early years of marital life I suddenly felt anxiety attacks prompting me to stay inside my house and not even going outside whatsoever. I started to have paranoiac thoughts and became very suspicious of people around me including my own family. The only people that I allowed to visit me were old friends that I trusted.
There were even times that I would even flare up shouting angrily no mater how irrelevant conversations would not go according to my wishes and I would even be having suicidal tendencies which in the end resulted in me leaving two deep cuts on my wrist. And that was just the tip of the iceberg. Often times my anxieties were fear related without rationality and I would just flee from the house and wander aimlessly on the streets sometimes for days on end.
Escapism was my fallback and I would indulge myself with it regardless of where it takes me. I would often find myself in the company of total strangers despite consequences as I sought refuge in an adventurous manner. I had no sense of time and the only moment that I decided to come home was when my body and mind grew weary and tired. Wandering incoherently and hungry was tiring indeed that it will make one think and dissipate all manner of anxiety.
I never chose to undergo medication or counseling and decided to resolve the issue accordingly to its source, my mind. I tried to find ways of avoiding mistakes that may trigger the onset of depression by engaging in hobbies like music and the arts. Social interaction helped too but I was a bit careful in choosing people that I would talk to. People that have a positive reinforcement are likely to be more help and more supportive than pessimists. The human touch has always been an assuring form of comfort and can stave down the fear of insecurity.
One proven method of giving comfort to someone who has Depression is to talk with them regardless of the topic just as long its on the positive sides of things. It would even help root out the cause of anxiety if you tried hard enough to earn their trust. Relational interaction would help in a big way, though some levels of clinical depression can last for a lifetime it is advised to always be there for them when the need for comforting arises. In some clinical cases where family and friends fail to recognize such needs is where the fatal side of Depression takes its toll.
Loneliness and solitude must never get the best of the situation because it is during these times that a person's vulnerability to bad negative thoughts arises. Friends and families of manic depressives need to face the facts that if the state of depression in a loved one seems to be permanent, it is put on their caring responsibility to assure that person that they will be with that person until the end of the journey.
Life is so tragic but most of the time absurd despite social struggles of morality and acceptance and it is this sort of social mind setting that tries to separate the logical from the acceptable, the truth from the acceptable truth and social idealism from the negative byproducts of a society that struggles within it. The obvious truth of the matter is, Depression, regardless of how we perceive it to be, is clinically proven to be caused by stress. As years go by I have made certain acceptable conclusions that can be considered in relating positively to Depression.
Depression is just a mindset, however we look at it, it is just a reaction on how we look or accept certain foreseen or unwanted situations that life humorously gives to us on a daily basis. The acceptance of the reality of things and abandoning social idealism on a level of personal opinion can be helpful if not therapeutic. To help someone with obvious signs of depression can be done accordingly with this manner, as not to further mental deterioration due to stress caused by worrying that leads to the figurative "mental burnout'.
To care for someone in a situation like this is the first crucial step in helping people with Depression before it takes its toll. Despite advances in psychiatric medicine, one cannot rule out human interaction and caring as it can change things for the better or if neglected, change things for the worse.
It is a clinically Proven fact that Natural Organic Health Supplements can have a very positive effect in helping people with psychological problems in this case without the adverse effects of chemically induced synthetic medications that can more or less aggressively influence the effect on their medication. Stress is lessen more if Natural Organic Supplements are used in augmenting their regimen therefore reducing the psychological downside effect.
Improved mental responses were clearly confirmed with cases involving stress related depression and as a result need for increase in psycho therapy drugs were lessen. It is emphasized that social interaction and understanding on part of people directly or indirectly involved in cases such as these take further assurance to people who are unwell that love and caring should be the utmost importance only secondary to medication.

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How The Law of Attraction Can Assist In Depression And Eating Disorders?

How can an individual use the Law of Attraction to help in overcoming the possibilities of depressions and ailments? Many women who are dealing with eating disorders have substantially enhanced in the previous couple of years. Some specialists think that there possibly is somehow a connection between bulimia, anxiousness and depression. Eating disorders typically are associated with various other prolonged problems. Binge eating for instance has actually been related with self-esteem issues.
To help with depression and eating disorders one can make use of the Law of Attraction. Finding out about the fact of the Law of Attraction has actually assisted many people to uplift their existing health conditions.
You can create your life experience and make it whatever you want it to be. Many people who have never ever become aware of the Law of Attraction think that they need to await things to get better or that they are at the mercy of an external force or a greater power. Some people even think that they should have to live a life of misery and issues. Actually the contrary holds true. We are worthy of experiencing life at its best. Wellness and abundance is exactly what we all deserve. We are the creator of our own experiences in life.
The Law of Attraction will constantly help us in our ideas and belief. We can pick the kind of ideas and belief we wish. When struggling with depression and eating disorders it might be tough to feel good about yourself and others. Right here is advice that can help you to change this and will allow you to take advantage of the power of the Law of Attraction to help overcome your health issues:
1. Discover a skilled counselor that can help you and support your efforts in getting well.
2. Begin your very own program of meditation sessions and possibly aim to have a session every day. Planning assists in calming down your mind and body. It will also assist you in knowing your inner self. This will begin a process of recovery from concerns that might have added to your depressions and eating disorder.
3. To support your meditation you can state affirmations that match your goal of getting well.
These are a couple of tools that can help you in using the Law of Attraction. We are exactly what we think and ideas draw energy. Right ideas bring right outcomes and wrong ideas bring wrong outcomes. Whatever we are experiencing in life is exactly what we have actually drawn in to us purposefully or unconsciously. Our subconscious mind can influence our aware mind! Affirmations can be helpful in setting our subconscious mind with favorable thoughts and the Law of Attraction will react appropriately. So now we have the ability to create whatever we wish in life and have a favorable life experience. This may sound too good to be true.
There is nevertheless some mind work to be done to achieve the goals. You will not see the results instantly! There is a process of changes that enter your life when making use of the power of the Law of Attraction, however with consistency and determination you will experience an enhancement in your overall wellbeing.
To assist you in feeling better you can check out some interesting information whether online or offline about people who have actually experienced depression and eating disorders and who had the ability to overcome these problems.
Make your environments relaxing and enjoyable. Listen to music that cheers you up and steer clear from lyrics that could hinder the process of having more favorable thought patterns. Focus on exactly what you hear when viewing TELEVISION, stay clear of enjoying intense motion pictures, rather select motion pictures that are comical or have cheerful endings. Check out instructional and favorable books. Treat yourself with a cup of coffee and unfold yourself. While doing exercises that calm your mind, connect with your inner being and attempt to clear your mind. You will expect these stress-free sessions and you will quickly discover yourself in a favorable world full of love and understanding.
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Visit to Create Your Perfect Reality Now!

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The Truth About Teen Depression

With all of the suicides in recent years, teen depression has gotten a lot of press. This is a good thing because it helps alert us all to how serious this problem can be for them. Not all cases of teen depression end in suicide, but the increase in the rate is alarming.
Many parents these days work outside of the home. This means that the amount of time that they actually get to spend with their child is often limited.
Between the demands placed on families and the unwillingness of many teens to share with their parents, it becomes more important for everyone to be involved. This means that no matter how you are involved with teens, recognizing the signs of depression and reacting to them quickly can mean the difference between life and death for them.
Depression can be anything from a simple episode where they are upset briefly because of a break up, a missed opportunity, or a failure in some area of their life. It can also be a constant, heavy cloud that they can not get out from under. This heavy cloud can and does destroy lives.
There are many things that parents, counselors, teachers and even friends can do to keep them out of this deep, dark depression. Teen depression is serious and should be handled carefully.
Knowing and watching for the tell-tale signs can help you to determine when a simple case of depression is not so simple and needs some intervention.
  • Pulling away from friends and activities that they are involved with.
  • Loss of appetite, or weight loss.
  • Restless sleep. Waking up still tired is a sure sign of this.
  • Pulling away from social situations is a key sign of teen depression. Any teen that is not interested in socializing should be a signal that something is not quite right.
  • Consistently down in the dumps. Occasionally being down is normal, but if you notice a pattern of the blues that lasts, it may be time to get help.
  • Isolation. A teen or even a young adult that stays locked away in their room.
  • Consistently quitting activities may be an indication that they do not feel worthy of being included with others.
Although teen depression does not always lead to suicide, it can lead to other serious problems. Teens that are depressed may be more likely to turn to drugs or alcohol to help ease their pain. These same teens are also less likely to do well in school.
Teens often times withdraw from the company of their parents in favor of other teens, it is difficult sometimes to get them to talk. They may even appear to be sullen and moody normally. They can retreat so far into themselves that they may become ill or harm themselves in some way.
One of the things to remember about teen depression is they are able to hide it very well. It is normal for teens to have bouts of depression, but these should be short-lived. It is when their depression becomes more serious that they hide it from those around them.
You may not even realize that they are in trouble until it is too late. Partnering with your teens friends and the other adults in their lives, then acting on any suspicions is the surest way to help keep your teen safe from serious depression.
Anna Brown is an independent writer that enjoys writing on a variety of topics that provide useful information to the reader. To read more about depression or to see the variety of information that is available, visit her blog at

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