jeudi 7 novembre 2013

Why Failure Is Good!

Most fear is developed because of an absence of trust in yourself. You don't believe you can do the thing you want to do. In Western culture you can get programmed that if you're not a success at absolutely everything - the first time you do it - you are a failure as a person. A lot of fear could be neutralized if you wouldn't be frightened of failure.
Just because something doesn't go right, the first, second, or twentieth time you attempt it, doesn't make you or the process a failure. Your problem isn't that you fail, it's that you're not failing enough. Apollo 11, the rocket that carried the first astronauts to the moon, was off course 97% of the time! They failed their way to the moon.
They were constantly compensating and over-compensating for the hundreds of variables of space travel. They didn't see that they were constantly off course and then quit 10 miles up. They were continually getting feedback and correcting for it. Correct and continue, all the way to the moon.
They landed at their chosen destination AND returned to earth, even though they only had a 3% success rate. Do you realize how liberating that is? You can be on course only 3% of the time and still reach your dream! Rarely is there triumph without complications. If you're not getting where you want to go, step up your fail rate.
You see all successful people fail. In fact they fail a lot, they just don't take it personally. If they're not failing they know they are not doing the hard, difficult things they need to be doing to move forward and grow even more successful. If you're not moving ahead in life it's quite possible it's because you're not failing enough. Fail twice as much as you are now, just keep going, and don't look for what is going wrong. Look for what's going right and do more of that.
The philosopher Thomas Troward once said, "The law of flotation was not discovered by the contemplation of the sinking of things." The changes you wish to see in your Life will not come about through the contemplation of everything that is going wrong in your world. Look, you're not a failure because something goes wrong. Failing is only a form of feedback. You fail because you let that stop you. You fail because you don't get up again when you fall.
You fail because you sit and meditate on how nothing goes right in your Life. Successful people fail ALL THE TIME! They just get up again and say, "Next!" You will not reach your goals and dreams unless you take some action and look at the feedback. Then, if necessary, you correct your next step due to the feedback you received.
Have you ever watched one of those behind-the-scenes documentaries on how they made a movie? You know that clapperboard they use to signal take 1, take 2, when they're filming a scene? They do take after take, because something inevitably goes wrong. The lights aren't working, a prop is missing, a special effect doesn't fire, the actors mess up their lines, any number of things can go wrong, and no one gets upset because it's only a mis-take. They filmed a scene, they didn't get what they wanted, so they did another take. It's only a mistake. It's just feedback.
Every time you do something you get a result. You name it "good" or "bad." In reality all it is feedback. You took some action and you got some feedback. If the feedback tells you you're off course, then you take some actions to get back on track.
Results are just feedback. Results are a guide showing what you need to work on next. When you step on the bathroom scale, that's feedback. When you look at your bank statement, that's feedback. It's when you take that feedback personally that you start losing your self-worth.
Don't spend your time contemplating your "failures." Look at and study your successes if you want to see positive change in your Life. Understand that mis-takes are just part of the process for achieving your dreams. It's just feedback.
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