jeudi 7 novembre 2013

Integrative Medicine Remedies for Depression

I am a firm follower of Dr. Andrew Weil. He was on NPR yesterday with quite a few tips on beating depression.
1. Exercise: Walking, bicycling, swimming, and running all boost levels of inflammation and keep the brain and mood levels healthy and sustainable. Dr. Weil recommends at least four days of thirty minutes of exercise per week.
2. Maintain a diet that is low in inflammatory foods and high in antioxidants. The king of inflammatory foods is sugar followed by high amounts of dairy. Recent studies have pointed to high levels on inflammation having the most debilitating effects on mood. Low serotonin levels were thought to be the greatest cause of depression. Now there is a shift to inflammation being the culprit. To be on the safe side, maintain intake of mainly vegetables and small amounts of fruit and non-processed protein.
3. Establish a habit of keeping a gratitude journal. Mood is bound to improve with keeping a daily record of our blessings. This is the best time of year to start that routine.
4. Be sure the diet includes ample levels of fish oil and Omega three acids.
5. The healthiest diet is one that excludes all processed foods, with the Mediterranean diet being at the top of the list. Sticking with the vegetable bin at the grocery store is the best bet.
6. Of all the therapies for depression, cognitive therapy has proven to be far more effective than older styles of excellent resource is Dr. David Burns' book and workbook, "Feeling Good."
I have taken the liberty of adding a few of my own ideas to the list.
1. Consult with your doctor to see if thyroid hormones are low. A hypothyroid condition can produce depression, inability to concentrate, and brain fog.
2. Consult with your doctor to see if the addition of T3, a thyroid hormone, might be helpful. Two doses of five milligrams of T3 per day have really helped me. T3 supplies the brain with vital nutrients.
3. Try pet therapy. My two cats bring a lot of happiness into my life. Blossom and Oreo give a great deal of joy and unconditional love.
4. Give the gifts of compassion and empathy. They both go a long way to alleviate depression.
5. Get involved with volunteer projects. Community connections are vital to a productive, happy life.
6. Establish a firm spiritual connection. Church, synagogue, or temple involvement all provide chances to connect in a healthy manner.
Dear readers: Please feel free to add your ideas and input.
Nationally acclaimed author and speaker Barbara Altman is the author of Recovering from Depression, Anxiety, and Psychosis. Altman does presentations on depression recovery, ACA issues, and Addiction issues. You may contact her at 314-962-5314 or at

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