mardi 25 février 2014

What Are the Symptoms of Depression? Read This Article to Discover If You Are Depressed

The symptoms of depression
The onset of depression can be gradual, and many people do not realise that they are depressed. The symptoms of depression include:
· Low energy-you cannot understand why you are frequently tired even if you haven't done very much.
· Lack of sleep-you may find it difficult to fall asleep. Even if you do manage to fall asleep, you wake up in the middle of the night, and find it difficult to get back to sleep.
· Lack of concentration-even if you have been used to concentrating you may find it difficult to concentrate and cannot achieve things. People that have used to do lists to achieve their goals find it increasingly difficult and frequently give up on the goal setting.
· Forgetfulness-this can be very worrying for people who have had a good memory, and who now find they are frequently forgetting things.
· Change of eating habits-people who are depressed sometimes increase their intake of foods, particularly less healthy foods. Some people go the other way and cannot find the motivation to eat.
· You become irritable-sometimes you may take it out on those who are closest to you.
· Small things become insurmountable. You may have been used to solving or overcoming issues, but suddenly even the smallest things become major issues.
· People will often tell you that you become what you think about most of the time, thus if you are successful, you are frequently thinking about success and how you can achieve it. Unfortunately, if you are depressed, you may have negative thoughts most of the time, and try as you may, you cannot think positively.
· Even people who have been fit and healthy will start to get aches and pains that they cannot explain, which may be headaches or joint pains.
· Motivation becomes a major issue-as you are unlikely to be able to concentrate; you may find it difficult to achieve normal tasks.
· You may not wish to go out. Many people who suffer from depression have been known to become housebound and do not want to go out to meet friends.
· Loneliness can become a major issue. You may be in a room full of people, but you feel lonely, unloved and lacking confidence.
· Guilt can be a major worry. If you lack motivation and cannot concentrate you will feel guilt because you have not been able to achieve what you wanted to.
We all suffer from some of the above from time to time but if you are suffering from the majority of the above these are the symptoms of depression.
If you have experienced the symptoms of depression, there is a natural cure.
Read on for a way to beat depression naturally by somebody who experienced this for over 20 years.
John Hayes

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