mardi 25 février 2014

Beat the Winter Blues!

Think about it... Those of us that work indoors may get a total of an hour of sunlight each day during this time of the year, depending on your hours. That definitely less than during the summer months, and this can really have an effect on your mood! Have you ever heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder? It's totally real and affects so many people- on grey days it end to find myself in a little bit of a "grey" mood. Our bodies CRAVE the sunlight! But when not much sunlight can be found, there are a few ways you can bolster your happiness back up and beat the winter blues!
1. Artificial Light!
When your body wakes up to a super grey day, you can have a terrible time waking up- that's because our bodies depend on LIGHT to switch off those sleep hormones! Take a look on for "SAD lamps" and check out all of the options available. Switch on one of these babies while you sip your coffee.
2. Feel-Good Playlist!
You know that you've got some super fun favorite songs that perk you up when you're feeling blue! Put them all on a playlist on your phone or iPod for some feel-good vibes when you need them.
3. Plan a Dream Vacation!
Brainstorm some ideas of places you'd love to visit, and plan a trip! You may or may not be able to go on that trip RIGHT NOW, but thinking about it and planning it out will most definitely boost your mood a bit.
4. Do a Good Deed!
Doing a good deed is always a good idea, but helping someone in need can seriously change your attitude. Helping someone else really takes your mind off of YOU, and onto something bigger. Donating your time is more effective and special when it comes to creating feel-good vibes, because it is so much more personal than sending a check (thought that's awesome too).
5. Keep a Gratitude Journal
Wake up your inner optimist by keeping a gratitude journal. This will just be a place you use to write down notes about what you're thankful for mad also happy memories! When you make a choice to focus more often on happy memories and things you're grateful for, you'll adopt a more positive view of your entire life. You'll be surprised at the change this can do for your attitude and mood!
Do you have any tips you use to beat the winter blues? Please share in the comments!
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Whitney DeLong is a certified personal trainer and online fitness coach specializing in helping women become happy in their own skin, confident with how they look in the mirror, and empowered to help others do the same. Whitney hosts online fitness groups and one-on-one coaching for weight loss. Contact Whitney and view services at

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