samedi 26 octobre 2013

How to Manage, Cope and Deal With Depression

Depression has become endemic to our ever increasingly stressful and busy lives. With the worldwide economy in turmoil, increasing pressure on natural resources, rising unemployment and a predominating cultural mindset of material wealth as a sign-post of prosperity and happiness it is little wonder that stress, anxiety and depression are more evident than ever before.
It seems our expectations are determined by the bombardment of the media to have more of this or a new version of that. Computer technology renders models and versions obsolete in just a matter of months so pressure is brought to bear to purchase an upgrade. Work is increasingly infiltrated by job protectionism longer and longer hours just to try to avoid the dreaded pay-off. We are constantly in competition even if we consciously try to avoid it. Children make more and more demands on the pockets of their parents, costs are rising exponentially beyond remuneration levels and we seem to be swirling in a maelstrom of pressures on our time.
I remember Sundays as a day of relative peace. Yes Mum cooked and Dad pottered in the garden (or in my Dad's case having a swift half in the local). But it seemed that a sense of peace and tranquillity pervaded. Families prepared for Sundays as amenities like shops were generally closed. We could relax and recharge our batteries for the battles of the following week. It all made sense. We worked hard, but there seemed to be time to reflect and enjoy the spoils of our hard labour (I acknowledge mothers with young children may not have felt quiet this sense of bonhomie).
Nowadays there is no relief. Life is 24/7 and 'buddy you better stay on board or else'
Today these options seem less available. For me the decline into depression was brought about by the intolerable pace and pressure of trying to live a life that was part of the cultural milieu. I enjoyed my work but endured 12 - 14 hour days 5 days week. There was no time for family or friends. The company I worked for was struggling to keep afloat and so I would work weekends and as I became more tired and anxious so this spilled out into my family life. I became moody and intolerant of the children. Sleep was impossible and eventually the company folded and so I was out of work.
Through the following months I became more depressed as I failed to find work... any work. Money was tight and my mindset changed to all pervading negativity. Friends became less supportive as my anger and frustration grew. Eventually I sought help and met a psychologist who, through many sessions brought my life back into balance. I made me aware of the positives I had in my life, a home, a loving family and good health. These were brought into focus and started me on the road to how I beat depression.
Now I'm back to a happier place and life is good so how did I start treating my depression and how was this achieved?
Well these are called 'Coping Skills' and include:
  • Eat Well: Healthy Body = Healthy Mind. People with depression generally over eat or not eat enough. Try to eat fruit and vegetables and stay off junk food. The increase in your vitamin and mineral intake will help your mental state of mind.

  • Relax: Depression is often related to stress and anxiety. Try to listen to ambient sounds or attend yoga classes. In essence you need more time for yourself.

  • Exercise: Even if you not exercised for a long time try and get out and about. Walk at a comfortable pace and increase the pace as your body becomes more used to increased activity. Exercise actually overcomes loss of energy and helps sleep.

  • Talk To Others: You can join a local support group and gain strength from those who are in the same position. Such groups are a mine of information and you'd be surprised at some methods people have employed in battling their depression.

  • Hobbies: I love music and I found during my worst times that I avoided listening to music. Then one day, although I was not in the mood, I put on a favourite record (okay I'm over 45 so I/m using old terminology). Guess what... my mood lifted. So the advice is keep pursing your interest and hobbies... force yourself and you will reap the rewards.

  • Sleep: Sleep well by avoiding alcohol, eating excessively, and smoking and, finally, try and create a positive sleeping environment.
Today I am coping with depression by maintaining my determination to carry out the above tips. So please be determined as, in reality, the real solution in managing depression lies within you!
Good luck and I wish you all a happier and healthier life to come.

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