dimanche 27 octobre 2013

Depression - It Gets To All Of Us

Depression. Every person has been 'depressed' at one point in their lives, or another. I genetically inherited depression from my mother. Mixed along with living in a depressing environment has caused me to have felt depressed for over five years now. Most of the Earth's population has depression. As we all know, depression can lead to many things such as causing others to feel depressed, causing violence, and the worst - suicide. I, myself, have contemplated suicide many times, but then I think back to my friends and family and I just can not do it. I feel like every person on this Planet deserves the right to live their life to the fullest as long as they can, so here I have decided to publish a blog entry about how to fight depression and five ways to distract yourself from it.
Friends are the number one thing to help distract you from depression. If you have amazing friends, they can make you happy all day long. You'll be too busy laughing, having fun, and catching up that you wont have any time to be depressed! Trust me, spend more time with your friends: invite them over for lunch, or go to the beach, or go snow boarding or skiing. No matter what you do, spending time with your friends is a great way to fight depression.
Journal/ Diary
Journals or diaries, depending on who you are, are another fantastic way to distract you from being depressed. Take a few minutes every day and just write down your feelings, what happened that day, and think deep into the back of your brain and write down what you think. This will help you to not be as stressed and you will feel like a bunch of pressure is lifted off your chest every day. Journals and diaries are cheap! Go buy one at the dollar store or something, all you need is something with pages and lines inside and you are set! I strongly recommend this to everyone who thinks or knows they have depression.
Be Positive
Tell yourself positive things. Say things like "I look really nice today!", or "Today is going to be an amazing day". Life is what you make it really want to not be depressed, you have to make yourself happy. If you catch yourself saying negative things, stop and then say something positive. This tip really helps a lot because it trains your brain to think positively all the time.
When you first start becoming depressed, you stop taking care of yourself. You start wearing the same clothes over and over, you resist to brush your teeth or hair, and you start showering less. Your body becomes exhausted almost every day because you are so stressed. By the end of the day you have no energy to keep yourself healthy. Keeping up with taking care of yourself is very important for you and the people around you!
I don't know about my readers, but music is my entire life. Without music I would be a whole entirely different person and I know a lot of people who feel the same way. Music can assist any mood in changing. If your feeling depressed, listen to music that makes you happy. Whatever music you like will change your mood from depressed to ecstatic in just half a song, but I would recommend staying away from metal/screamo music. Singing along to the music makes me happy because singing is something I love to do. I wait till I am alone, then I pump up 'Sublime' on my computer and start singing! Music does help, just try it!
I really hope these five tips help whoever is reading them. If you really want to put a stop to your depression, these tips will help you if you are willing to keep up with them. Suicide is not the answer. Ever. Please, always remember, depression is not something that is bad or something to be embarrassed about, it's just human nature.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7702450

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