lundi 28 octobre 2013

Cure Your Depression With Certified Hypnotherapist

Do you feel robbed of liveliness and energy? Or you long to feel happy, yet you experience a gulf of emptiness inside that nothing can fill. The menacing presence of a heavy heart, waves of anxiety, or crabby irritability is sign of depression. Depression can become an unwanted companion casting a shadow on every aspect of your life.
Depression can seep into an individual's body and mind like a slow leak into the basement of a house, or it can arrive like a windstorm, coming suddenly and with dramatic force. It is a condition in which you feel discouraged, sad, hopeless, unmotivated, or disinterested in life in general. When these feelings last for a short period of time, it may be a case of "the blues. " But when such feelings last for more than two weeks and when the feelings interfere with daily activities such as taking care of family, spending time with friends, or going to work or school, it's likely a major depressive episode.
Human experiences and memories, especially in the childhood, are not forgotten but rather hardwired and stored in your brain. The lifelong collection of negative experiences or memories are pivotal in causing the depression within you. It will affect your physical, mental and emotional health which may give rise to:-
  • Difficulty in sleeping and become restless
  • Weight issue either excessive weight gain or loss
  • Physical symptoms such as fatigue, headache, digestive-related problems, body ache
  • Emotional symptoms such as frustration, anxiety, listlessness, agitation, lack of energy
How to overcome depression?
The most common recommendation is to attempt talk or drug therapy. Talking therapy involves talking to someone who is trained to help you deal with your negative feelings, and explore their thoughts and feelings and the effect they have on their behaviour and mood. Though the treatment can be exceedingly helpful, it does not reach the deep physical roots of depression. It affects perceptions and viewpoints and helps us to change the way we relate to ourselves and others. This is wonderful, but it is often not enough.
On the other hand, I believe, treating depression with drugs alone is like taking Panadol to relieve fever caused by infection. Panadol merely reduces the fever and makes the patient feel more comfortable. It does not address the cause of the infection. Least have we considered other side-effects that drugs may lead to.
What other ways to heal depression? Hypnotherapy
To overcome depression and have happiness in life, I believe in infusing vitality into our body, mind and spirit to bring back the happiness within you. You see, we are all born with happiness, i.e. happiness is our birthright.
However, we also create negative thoughts and experiences that influence our perspectives and emotions, and these blocks our ability to experience happiness. The byproduct of these negative thoughts and experiences is depression.
If you are keen to find out more how I can help you through hypnotherapy, feel free to contact me for free consultation. It is always my greatest joy to offer my assistance. Contact me either through call: +65-9182-5072 or email:
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Depression and the Spiritual Journey

There are many who experience regular depressive episodes that come about as a result of the letting go that is part and parcel of the spiritual journey. Not everyone may experience spiritual depression, but for those that do, it can often be a symptom of releasing unhelpful stories and emotions that no longer serve us, or match who we are becoming.
In the context of the spiritual journey, depression often comes about because there is already a feeling of differentness and otherness, from those who embrace mainstream thinking and doing. That sense of not being understood, valued or appreciated for our willingness to go deeper and look deeper, can be demoralising if there is no one else around to appreciate that commitment.
It is also true that allowing long buried feelings to come up and be explored is not always the most pleasant aspect of the commitment to seeking unchanging truth. There is often a rejection by our egoic nature - which wants to cling on to its victim status - to exploring events from a broader perspective. The feelings of depression in this case, is often a sign of the resistance of the ego to stepping into greater awareness and deeper understanding.
If you have been on your path for any length of time, you will have no doubt experienced the shift that comes when we let go of our resistance to releasing our victimhood. The feelings of overwhelming heaviness and lethargy suddenly lift, as we step into a new realisation about our situation. The speed with which this shift can happen often seems miraculous, but it is in fact a natural side-effect of clearer seeing.
Each time we make that shift we become a little less identified with our stories and limiting beliefs. Each time we are willing to be a little bit more radical in our awareness and our ability to forgive another's seemingly unforgivable behaviour; then the ego's resistance can show up as depression or emotional 'heaviness.'
Sometimes depressive episodes also come up when we are allowing others' judgements to determine how we see ourselves. When the shift back into 'lightness and rightness' comes; we can observe that we have been carrying around those judgements and treating them as our truth. They are not our truth, and therefore they do not sit right with us; they do not feel good to, us.
If we review the thoughts that were playing out in our minds during our experience of depression; we may find that the repetitive and negative thoughts, are actually the 'voices' of our parents, or authority figures, or society in general - who may believe that playing by the rules, fitting in, or being approved of; are the most important things in life.
If that is no longer where you are in your awareness, then constricting your expansion to try to fit in, or play by the rules, will lead to feelings of depression, or an eerie and heavy; sadness. It is as if our very Being itself, is being reduced to oughts and shoulds. And that will never feel good, or joyful to us.
Whatever the trigger for this type of spiritually-induced depression, the antidote is always to seek out others of likemind. It is important to find people who affirm your journey, who honour and appreciate your commitment to your path; where you find acknowledgement for your struggles and see positive mirrors and reflections of yourself. This is not to say that everyone will be exactly like you, or exactly where you are; rather that there is a commonality and a thread running through each other's experiences, that you can relate to and thus appreciate.
With the benefits of modern technology it makes it easier to connect with those who resonate with where you are, yet meeting in person or talking directly with someone; brings a sense of communion and sharing, that will support you through any challenges you may be facing.
Still, it is important to know that with or without that support you are doing just fine. You are a courageous and wonderful being, who is willing to follow your own path and go to those sometimes dark places that most aren't even willing to acknowledge; let alone experience.
Trust yourself. Trust where you are. Trust that everything that is not who you truly are is shedding itself and revealing your perfection to you; just a little more. Notice that each and every time you experience the heaviness of depression and come out the other side, that you are a little more aware and feel a little freer. Bless that. Acknowledge that. Embrace that, and know that this stage of the journey too; shall pass.
If this article resonates with you and you can relate to this type of spiritual ennui and sadness; then as one who has shared this experience I would be more than happy to help you shift into a more nurturing space. To connect just go to my site at:
N.B. Coaching, even spiritual coaching, is not a substitute for medical advice. Please seek the advice of your doctor if you experience ongoing and long-lasting depression.
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dimanche 27 octobre 2013

Inflammation - The Link Between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Depression

Inflammation is now recognized as an underlying basis of a significant number of chronic diseases. Although there is still much more to understand, we have sufficient information presently to make the necessary changes in our lifestyles to significantly affect the inflammatory process and potentially live longer, healthier lives.
The relationship between inflammation, pain and depression has been explored in multiple studies. Studies have found a significant relationship between inflammation, pain and depression in patients with Rheumatoid arthritis. Recently, a Japanese study found that C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of inflammation, was associated with elevated depression and pain scores; inflammation and depression were found to have an independent effect on patient-reported pain.
Rheumatoid Arthritis:
The Arthritis Society estimates that about 300,000 Canadians have Rheumatoid Arthritis. Although it can affect people of all ages, it most commonly develops between the ages of 25 and 50. Twice as many women than men will develop the disease. Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic disease that is characterized by an inflammation in the lining of the joints, resulting in damage to cartilage, bones, tendons and ligaments. This in turn can lead to permanent joint deformity and significant disability.
By 2020, depressive disorders are projected to be the 2nd leading cause of worldwide disability. Currently there are studies indicating that inflammatory changes in the brain are pathological features of depression. Several cytokines (hormones of the immune system) and markers of inflammation (C-reactive protein, interleukin 1 and 6) were positively correlated with depression. Cytokines seem to trigger a quick onset of what is called 'sickness behavior'-meaning malaise and fatigue, as well as a delayed onset of depressed mood. Just as the body's repair mechanisms for physical injury can sometimes result in chronic pain and inflammation, so too can the response to psychological trauma, resulting in chronic depression.
Is inflammation playing a possible role in your depression?
Ask yourself these questions:
Do I have a physical sense of 'brain fog'?
Do I have a recent reduction in short term memory?
Do I have trouble finding words?
Do I sometimes feel confused?
Do I have learning disabilities, or neurodegenerative disorders?
Do I feel that if I had plenty of energy my depression would be gone?
Do I have a lot of pain?
Do I have gastrointestinal problems?
Inflammation can serve an important physiological purpose, i.e. healing cuts and wounds but when inflammation persists it damages the body and causes illness. Stress, lack of exercise, exposure to toxins and dietary choices can all contribute to chronic inflammation. Learning how specific triggers including food influence the inflammatory process is the best strategy for reducing long-term diseases such as arthritis and depression.
Tips for an anti-inflammatory diet:
• Include as much fresh organic food as possible
• Minimize your consumption of processed foods and fast food
• Eat an abundance of fruits and vegetable
• Eat more whole grains
• Eat more beans, winter squashes, and sweet potatoes
• Cook whole grain pasta al dente and eat it in moderation
• Avoid products made with high fructose corn syrup.
• Eat omega-3 fatty acids rich foods i.e. salmon, sardines, herring, omega-3 fortified eggs; hemp seeds and flaxseeds.
• Decrease your consumption of animal protein except for fish and high quality natural cheese and yogurt.
• Eat more vegetable protein, especially from beans in general and soybeans in particular
• Eat cruciferous (cabbage-family) vegetables
• Include soy foods in your diet
• Drink tea instead of coffee, especially good quality white, green or oolong tea
• If you drink alcohol, use red wine
• Enjoy plain dark chocolate in moderation (with a minimum cocoa content of 70 percent)
• Drink pure water, or drinks that are mostly water (tea, very diluted fruit juice, sparkling water with lemon) throughout the day
SPINEgroup has developed innovative programs designed to target and address the triggers of chronic inflammation as it relates to depression and arthritic pain disorders. Our popular spine care program and chronic pain program incorporate techniques and modalities to reduce inflammation such as ultrasound, laser therapy, exercise, dietary counselling and supplementation. Manual therapy including massage therapy and spinal manipulation as well as Cognitive behavioural Therapy can balance brain chemistry by reducing hormones involved with stress.
Dr. Connie D'Astolfo, DC, PhD (c) is the clinical director of SPINEgroup®, a med-rehab clinic located in Vaughan. Dr. D'Astolfo is pursuing a PhD at York University. She has several published peer reviewed articles and is a chapter author for two medical texts. Dr. Connie D'Astolfo specializes in rehabilitation, with a special interest in spinal conditions, clinical program development and evaluation. For more information contact us at 905-850-7746 or visit our website at

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5 Ways to Tackle Depression Treatment in the Workplace

We all feel fed up, miserable and sad at times and feeling depressed for a period of time is experienced very differently to depression. Perhaps your life at home, work or in business is affected by your low mood and you are struggling to overcome reoccurring negative thinking. Between 8-12% of the population experience depression in any year so you are not alone.
Many executives I work with in our private coaching programmes suffering with depression, stress or anxiety fear a reprisal from their bosses, shareholders or work colleagues. People with mental health problems like depression are at more than twice the risk of losing their jobs compared to the general population. Hence it is not surprising that it maybe difficult to ask for help. Using an online service can protect your anonymity and provide you with the confidence needed to seek help.
Depression Facts
It is estimated that 450 million people worldwide have a mental health problem. Mixed anxiety and depression is the most common mental health problem in Britain. One in five people suffer with depression and women are more likely to be treated for depression than men. It is estimated that about 10% of our children are suffering with depression.
Self harm statistic for the UK are the highest in Europe and suicide rates show that British men are three times more likely to die through suicide then women. Stress, anxiety and depression account for one third of the 168 million working days lost in the UK.
Depression symptoms
This is no small problem, many people are suffering from symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety effecting them at home and work. You may of recently experienced a bereavement, lost your job or going through a relationship breakdown and struggling to combat depression.
Depression symptoms include experiencing a loss of interest and pleasure, excessive feelings of worthlessness and guilt, hopelessness, morbid or suicidal thoughts and weight loss or weight gain. If you have experienced at least 2 or 3 of these symptoms most of the day, nearly every day for the last two weeks you could be experiencing depressive episodes, classified as low, moderate or severe depending on your symptoms.
Depression treatment
Treatment of depression can vary depending on the level of symptoms diagnosed. However it is important to see your GP and get a proper diagnosis. You may be referred to a psychiatrist for a full assessment if you are suffering with severe depression and spending a period of time in hospital or receiving more intensive treatment could be necessary. Mostly people are treated with medication like anti depressants and talking therapies such as CBT counselling or psychotherapy.
Exercise and nutrition have also been proven to effect moods and you can improve depression from regular physical exercise and a balanced healthy diet. Now a days alternative therapies, religion or spirituality are also encouraged in the treatment of depression. Acupuncture, reflexology, herbal remedies as well as the power of prayer or mediation have been proven to help depression.
Depression treatment becoming part of business?
Companies who value their employees already set aside a percentage of their profits to invest in private healthcare and employee assistance schemes as a benefit to employees. However in each case of stress related ill health, it leads to an average of 31 days lost in a year, translating to the cost of £4.1 billion to our economy.
No surprises then that organisations are taking more of an interest in the treatment for depression and taking a more proactive stance with their employees. The World Health organisation forecast that by 2020 depression will be the second leading contributor to global disease. Hence raising awareness and promoting the treatment of depression can be a useful preventative measure to help individuals, companies and the economy not just financially but emotionally at home, work and in business.
5 ways to tackle depression treatment in the workplace.
1. Get some basic mental health awareness training. If you do not have someone in your company to do this outsource it. 7 out of 10 managers have had an experience of managing a staff member with a diagnosed mental health problem but less than 20% of these felt equipped to handle this situation well.
2. Complete back to work interviews with your staff. This helps to reduce absenteeism and enables you to become aware of any issues earlier.
3. Put stress on the agenda for team meetings from time to time. Facilitating an open, generic discussion about stress, anxiety and depression can raise awareness in the team which helps to reduce stigma.
4. Provide a clear route for staff to get help and support who are suffering with depression. Talking therapies or one to one coaching for staff who continuously have separate one day absences or are on long term sick for a stress related illness.
5. Audit your teams stress levels informally as part of an away day. Follow this up with information about depression, stress or anxiety, that signposts employees where to get help. This preventative and demonstrates you are taking the mental health of your employees seriously.
If you would like to read more articles on workplace stress, addiction, anxiety or other topics that may help you at home, work or business visit

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Skin Cancer and Insomnia

It is very common for people with cancer to have problems with sleeping at night. This may be because of general anxiety, fears about treatment or worries about the future. All of these reasons are very understandable but they can lead to insomnia with either difficulty in getting off to sleep or waking up during the night and having trouble dropping off again.
If this continues and starts to affect your quality of life then you could chat to your General Practitioner about the possibility of tablets to help you sleep. Many people, however, prefer to avoid sleeping pills and there are a number of tips to offer about ways of helping to get a good night's rest which you might like to try as an alternative. These include:
• establish a regular routine of going to bed at about the same time each night and waking up about the same time each morning
• if you are able to manage some regular, gentle, exercise during the day (such as having a walk for half an hour) then this can help deepen sleep
• a warm bath just before bedtime, with the addition of soothing oils or essences (such as lavender oil or geranium oil) is very relaxing
• a warm, milky, drink just before bedtime will avoid hunger during the night, which can disturb sleep
• alcohol can make you feel sleepy but it often disrupts the sleeping pattern during the night so avoid large amounts of wine or spirits just before bedtime
• tea, coffee and cola drinks all act as stimulants and are best avoided for a few hours before going to bed as they tend to keep you awake
• some people find that a few drops of lavender oil sprinkled on their pillow helps them relax and sleep better
• if you sleep a lot during the day try seeing if you can cut back a bit on daytime naps
• work out just how much sleep you need in order to feel refreshed the next day and avoid spending too long in bed as trying to sleep too much can actually lead to disturbed and shallow sleep
• if you wake up during the night and can't get back to sleep after a few minutes and are unable to relax (just lying quietly can still be very restful if you are relaxed but not if you are tense and worrying) then try reading a book or watching television for a while or listening to tapes, like talking books, on a personal stereo or make a hot drink
Although sleep disturbance is quite normal and understandable for people who are worried about their cancer occasionally insomnia can be a sign of underlying 'clinical' depression which does need medical treatment and can be very much helped by simple medication. Key symptoms of depression include:
• a low mood for most of the time
• not feeling your usual self
• not being able to be taken out of your low mood by yourself or your friends
• loss of interest or enjoyment in your favourite activities as pastimes
If you are experiencing these problems as well as your sleeping difficulty then it would definitely be worth having a word with your doctor to check on whether or not you are developing depression..
Find more about skin cancer on our blog
You are also invited to ask us any question that you have about skin cancer, seborrheic keratosis or other skin problems.

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Depression - It Gets To All Of Us

Depression. Every person has been 'depressed' at one point in their lives, or another. I genetically inherited depression from my mother. Mixed along with living in a depressing environment has caused me to have felt depressed for over five years now. Most of the Earth's population has depression. As we all know, depression can lead to many things such as causing others to feel depressed, causing violence, and the worst - suicide. I, myself, have contemplated suicide many times, but then I think back to my friends and family and I just can not do it. I feel like every person on this Planet deserves the right to live their life to the fullest as long as they can, so here I have decided to publish a blog entry about how to fight depression and five ways to distract yourself from it.
Friends are the number one thing to help distract you from depression. If you have amazing friends, they can make you happy all day long. You'll be too busy laughing, having fun, and catching up that you wont have any time to be depressed! Trust me, spend more time with your friends: invite them over for lunch, or go to the beach, or go snow boarding or skiing. No matter what you do, spending time with your friends is a great way to fight depression.
Journal/ Diary
Journals or diaries, depending on who you are, are another fantastic way to distract you from being depressed. Take a few minutes every day and just write down your feelings, what happened that day, and think deep into the back of your brain and write down what you think. This will help you to not be as stressed and you will feel like a bunch of pressure is lifted off your chest every day. Journals and diaries are cheap! Go buy one at the dollar store or something, all you need is something with pages and lines inside and you are set! I strongly recommend this to everyone who thinks or knows they have depression.
Be Positive
Tell yourself positive things. Say things like "I look really nice today!", or "Today is going to be an amazing day". Life is what you make it really want to not be depressed, you have to make yourself happy. If you catch yourself saying negative things, stop and then say something positive. This tip really helps a lot because it trains your brain to think positively all the time.
When you first start becoming depressed, you stop taking care of yourself. You start wearing the same clothes over and over, you resist to brush your teeth or hair, and you start showering less. Your body becomes exhausted almost every day because you are so stressed. By the end of the day you have no energy to keep yourself healthy. Keeping up with taking care of yourself is very important for you and the people around you!
I don't know about my readers, but music is my entire life. Without music I would be a whole entirely different person and I know a lot of people who feel the same way. Music can assist any mood in changing. If your feeling depressed, listen to music that makes you happy. Whatever music you like will change your mood from depressed to ecstatic in just half a song, but I would recommend staying away from metal/screamo music. Singing along to the music makes me happy because singing is something I love to do. I wait till I am alone, then I pump up 'Sublime' on my computer and start singing! Music does help, just try it!
I really hope these five tips help whoever is reading them. If you really want to put a stop to your depression, these tips will help you if you are willing to keep up with them. Suicide is not the answer. Ever. Please, always remember, depression is not something that is bad or something to be embarrassed about, it's just human nature.

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Treating Depression Without Antidepressants

Depression is a huge concern for many people, and can create difficulties for not simply the individual affected, but it can also affect those close to them. I'm a huge proponent of the concept that if you take good care of yourself, you can avoid a lot of health conditions, which includes depression, but it appears that the growing tendency is that antidepressants are increasingly being recommended with no consideration as to whether or not they are in the person's best interest. Are you feeling down? Here take this so you don't have to feel bad. Forget about the real reason for your feelings of sadness. Antidepressants are frequently used as bandaids for unpleasant feelings, and are given away like candy. But these medications can come with some serious side effects, so before you decide to fill that antidepressant prescription you received after seeing a doctor for 5 minutes, take a good look at yourself, and determine if you can deal with the condition without turning to a magic pill. A few natural methods exists that you can try first, that don't include the danger of increasing your thoughts of suicide.
The initial thing you want to understand is whether your unpleasant feelings are situational. Are there details occurring in your life so that it makes sense that you're feeling depressed? Are you going through a lot of stressful situations currently? Death of a loved one, divorce, financial worries, other health problems, or virtually any stressful events in your life may contribute to depression. There are some researchers who think that taking antidepressants can prevent the brain from processing and working through some crisis. The good and bad of your emotional self are a part of life, so don't rob yourself by hiding them with a pill.
Would you like to know a secret cure for depression which has been shown to be as effective as, if not greater than drugs like Zoloft? It's nothing more than simple aerobic exercise. Numerous research studies show the great results physical activity can have on somebody who is experiencing major depression. A typical guideline is to get approximately two and a half hours of moderate intensity aerobic exercise weekly, which is roughly a half an hour five days a week. You want to do a type of exercise that raises your heart rate, so going for an easy walk is not going to cut it. Go swimming, jogging, or ride a bike, just find some sort of exercise you get pleasure from doing. The more you enjoy it, the easier it's going to be to stick with a routine.
Vitamin D amounts inside your body can have a huge influence on your emotional well-being. There's an illness known as Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD) which is really just a name for depression that only affects people at a specific time during the year, i.e. fall and winter. Interestingly, the increase in SAD solidly matches the times of the year when the majority of people aren't able to get sufficient sunlight, and consequently their vitamin D quantities decrease. One study done in 1999 concluded that improvement in serum vitamin D levels was significantly connected with improvement in depression scale scores. For that reason if you are like 85% of Americans and are lacking adequate amounts of Vitamin D, start taking a daily supplement. I typically recommend starting with about 4,000 IU for women, and 5,000 IU for men. However it is essential to get your serum levels checked, and then adjust your dosage appropriately.
Along with working out and getting more vitamin D, yet another thing that can affect depression is diet. A large number of dietary factors exist which may play a role in depression, but some of the major ones are Omega 3's, folic acid (B9) and vitamin B12, and ingesting insufficient fat in the diet. If you have been limiting your intake of fat, you may be experiencing some negative consequences in relation to your emotional well-being. When I hear somebody say they are eating a low-fat diet, what that usually indicates is that they are swapping the calories from fat with carbs. Fat is important in helping to regulate the body's hormones, and diets low in fat can alter the balance of serotonin in the brain.
Many people probably don't get sufficient Omega-3's in the foods they eat. Unless you're eating a lot of fish, or grass-fed beef, you might benefit from an Omega-3 supplement. The ideal ones to take contain EPA and DHA, which are primarily created from fish oils. Plant based supplements do exist that have ALA, however most health benefits have been associated with EPA and DHA. Your body is able to convert ALA into the other two, but for the majority of people, it's not very efficient.
There is some evidence that increasing your consumption of vitamin B9 (folate) and B12 can help depression as well. Depending on what types of food you eat, you might not be getting an adequate amount of these vitamins. B12 can be tough to obtain, specifically if you don't eat animal products. Adding to your normal diet with one of these can be an easy way to make sure your body gets the quantity it requires. One current study in 2005 recommended taking 800 micrograms of B9, and 1mg of B12 everyday to help treat depression.
Depression is often a major issue for a number of individuals. But I recommend attempting some natural strategies to managing your depression as the first step. Anti-depressants can be useful in certain cases, but when you consider all of the common side-effects they might cause, think about them as a choice if everything else has proven unsuccessful, rather than the first step for treating your depression.
If you want to find out more information on natural ways to treat depression, check out our links page. Come check out Essential Motion Chiropractic if you're looking for a Fort Collins chiropractor.

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Natural Anti Depression Remedies

Why do people look for natural anti depression remedies? There are several reasons. One, the most common, is an individual does not have health insurance and cannot afford a doctor's consultation or the drugs that may be prescribed for the treatment.
Another would be that some people are finely tuned with natural products and respond well to using them for home remedies. These natural remedies include:
  • herbs
  • homeopathy
  • acupuncture
  • massage
  • essential oils
  • floral essences
  • healing codes
  • body codes
  • emotional codes
  • NAET (allergy elimination)
  • hypnosis/self hypnosis
Floral Essences
Recently I have been introduced to the subtle intelligence of floral essences. A flower's essence can be captured and imprinted into water. The resulting solution, the essence,will interact with the energy paths of your body. These paths, or meridians, are energetic informational highways coursing through the body.
A natural depression medication, or remedy, would be Rose Floral Essence. The rose has long been associated with the heart. With joy or grief. With elation or depression. With peace, or with anxiety.
I don't believe we can know for sure which came first - the knowledge of the physicians of ancient times, that this floral solution from the rose soothed grieving hearts. Or did the despairing patients themselves intuitively ask for the rose, its fragrance, its beauty, to sooth their malaise?
However this choice became embedded in healing traditions over more than a thousand years, it is seen to be effective in uplifting a person from the debilitating ravages of depression. Without the side effects or expense of drugs.
Floral essences are energy, or vibrational solutions, similar to homeopathic remedies. They are not new, as historical records going back as far as ancient Egyptian refer to them.
If you suffer from depression, you may have pursued many avenues of relief. It certainly helps to change your lifestyle in all the beneficial ways you can. Using a natural remedy would be one among the following:
  • get more exercise
  • practise deep breathing
  • review your food choices, opting for the most nutritional
  • give yourself time for relaxing be it prayer, yoga or meditation
  • learn how to avoid negative energy like gossip and criticism
  • review your negative prejudices, a burden to you, not others
Use The Rose Energy In Different Ways
Cultivating roses, putting up a beautiful photo or print of roses, using rosewater for facial toner or aftershave - there are many ways to support your self-loving quest to feel better.
You deserve a happy life! Your happiness will spill over to everyone around you.
Floral essences are easy to get, and are best obtained from reputable sources. Use this gentle depression healing natural depression medication.

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How to Be Happy and Live With the Flow

If you want to know how to be happy and live with the flow, you have to understand that you don't control all things. You are not the person that is ultimately in control of every infintestinal aspect of your life. I live happy and with the flow every single day. I stress over very little as I navigate my lifescape.
Because I believe in God. It's as simple as that. I believe that I am living a great life that he has planned for me and He is guiding the ship. There are things that I want and I go for those things, but I do so with His blessing.
If you know that you want to live a happy life, you have to know there is more than struggle, strife, pain and suffering. There has to be a reason you were purposed to be here and brought into being. He provides the ultimate joy that you can use to hold onto in those dark times. You hold on because you know that God will be there to see you through, carry you when you fall and put a blessing on you that will see you out of the dark times.
John 16: 21-24 says when a woman gives birth, it's painful but there is joy in bringing life. This is the same about trials and tribulations and coming out of negative seasons. You appreciate life for what it is because you've overcome an obstacle. You are triumphant in your success.
It is a measure of peace that comes with knowing that there is a virtual hand out here created from the clouds who will reach out and catch you when you are falling. He will right you on your feet and give you opportunities that will allow you to get back on track. But in some way you have to look at the direction you were going in.
I believe you only fall when you're on the wrong path. That's the only one of the times you're sent a shove to the ground. It's a wake up call-a spiritual call to action that says, "Hey that's not where you are supposed to be and if you don't correct yourself I will."
God is a loving being and He is the ultimate parent. He will guide you to success and shake his head when you're persistent in your own destruction. Those gentle shoves or nudges are meant to change the course of direction you are going in. It's been proven time and time again via testimony.
I have that testimony but I had to go through the test first. It was a miraculous journey filled with highs and incredible lows and I know this isn't the end of it, but I have settled into a more peaceful place spiritually. I listen to that still small voice and I know that He won't steer me wrong. When I want something from him, I go to Him and I ask. I don't worry, I don't talk it to death. I imagine myself with it and I thank him for providing it for me.
This is ultimately how to be happy and how to go with the flow. Know that His spirit is keeping you and guiding you to ultimate success. All you have to do is, believe.
Jaha Knight is a blogger, author, life and business coach. In short, she is a Soulphisticated(TM) Lady who believes in teaching women how to live a life of purpose...
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Symptoms of Depression - A Brief Guide

If you, or a loved one is exhibiting signs that indicate they're suffering symptoms of depression, this guide maybe for you. Depression is considered a medical condition that affects one in every ten people in a variety of ways. Bi-Polar disorder, anxiety, phobias and thoughts of suicide are all part of the spectrum that make up depression and mental illness. In the United States alone, approximately 15 million adults experience depression symptoms and have been officially diagnosed with the condition. While it is common to experience mental symptoms of depression, it is also quite common to experience physiological depression symptoms too. This may be referred to as "Clinical Depression", "Major Depression", and/or "Major Depressive Disorder". The condition not only impacts how you feel, it also impacts your thought processes. Additionally, it may impact your behaviour, usually in a negative way, which impacts your relationships with family, friends and co-workers. If you suffer from the symptoms of depression, you may find that it is exceptionally difficult to perform daily activities that many simply take for granted. You may also encounter moments when you question whether or not life is worth living. If you find that any of these sounds familiar, or you can recognise them in another, it is important to understand the fundamental signs of depression so you can take action before it is too late.
Identifying Medical Depression
The organization referred to as the "National Institute of Mental Health" has identified numerous symptoms that are commonly associated with depression. These are based on medical records, studies and interviews with those that have been diagnosed, and live with the condition. Each case is different, and depression affects no two people in the same way, however there are consistencies among sufferers that form a pattern, and the backbone of identifying depression. The most commonly experienced symptoms of depression are:
· Most sufferers will experience a persistent feeling of sadness. The individuals that experience this symptom may feel empty on the inside, and may even experience some degree of anxiousness.
· It is quite common for depression sufferers to lose interest in things that they once enjoyed, such as hobbies and other activities that were once considered to be enjoyable or pleasurable.
· Cognitive complications such as the ability to remember information, recall information, the ability to concentrate and the ability to make sound decisions may become evident when depressed.
· It is common for a sufferer to feel guilty, helpless and to feel as if they lack the worth that they once felt that they had in life and with others.
· Decreased energy levels and increased fatigue levels are common symptoms of depression.
· A sufferer may feel as if their situation or their life is hopeless and may start to exhibit persistent pessimism.
· Mood swings and complications such as being extremely irritable are considered common depression symptoms. Periods of mania are followed by extreme lows, this is typically known as Bi-Polar disorder.
· Most people with symptoms of depression may find it challenging to fall asleep. There are some that may have issues staying asleep. Then, there are those that may find that they wake up too early each day. In addition to this, many patients sleep for long periods of time, or have the desire to sleep than is longer than necessary for their health.
· The appetite is often impacted in a detrimental manner when suffering from depression. Many sufferers simply lack the desire to eat and may lose weight. Contrarily, there are those that eat emotionally and may gain an exceptionally large amount of weight.
· Gastrointestinal complications may be experienced with depression. Examples include frequent heartburn, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal cramping and constipation. In most instances, these issues are not resolved with treatment.
· Those that experience severe depression may find that they experience various types of pain. Many may suffer from headaches, while others feel as if their muscles are extremely sore. Then, there are those that experience cramps in the abdomen.
· When identifying symptoms of depression, it has been found that many individuals suffer from thoughts associated with suicide. In addition to this, attempts to end one's life are also a symptom of the condition.
Recognise The Warning Signs
In addition to recognising, and understanding the symptoms of depression, it is also important to understand the warning signs associated with the condition. Depression is a condition that is associated with an exceptionally high risk of suicide. If you are sufferer, you may or may not be able to recognise whether your thoughts are beginning to stray down that path. There is no shame in it, but it is vital you educate yourself on what it is you are feeling. In doing so, you are better equipped to handle the overwhelming crushing hopelessness that accompanies feelings of depression. If you are a relative or a friend of someone suffering from depression, it is important that you recognize the warning signs for exactly the same reason.
The following highlights the most serious and potentially life-threatening symptoms of depression:
· Many sufferers may seem to obsess about death when they are considering suicide.
· It is common for the extremely depressed to suddenly appear fine and extremely happy. This switch could indicate that they have started making plans to kill themselves, or that the plans are already in place.
· If the depression worsens, it could be a warning sign of suicide.
· Many may start putting their affairs in order, such as creating a will, giving away prized possessions and even saying goodbyes to those that they love or care deeply about.
· Many start engaging in dangerous behaviours, such as drug use, substance abuse, and reckless driving.
· Seeming extremely apathetic and verbally expressing the fact that they would be better off dead, or expressing a strong desire to leave the world are serious depression symptoms.
· Many people that suffer from the symptoms of depression may start to take openly about their desire to commit suicide, or may start to seem curious about or ask questions about suicide.
There are many symptoms of depression. Learning to recognize these symptoms will help you in determining if you or a loved one suffers from this condition. Understanding the medical reasons for why the feelings and thought processes occur is paramount to fighting the disease and overcoming any suicidal tendencies. If these depression symptoms are experienced, it is essential to consult a medical or mental health specialist immediately. There are many types of treatments available for the symptoms of depression, both conventional and unconventional. There are drugs that can be prescribed to curb any serious symptoms and if suicide is the real danger medical professionals should be contacted immediately.
Recognising the symptoms of depression is vital if you, or someone you know, is suffering depression. By recognising, and understanding the signs, you can take steps to ensure the illness can be treated, and managed.

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Curing Depression In Students The Holistic Way

Because of the advancements of technology and the vast availability of resources, it appears like students have become more and more stressed out with their education. Along with the various gadgets that have supposedly made access to information more convenient, came higher expectations from professors and even fellow students. Lengthy reports are expected to be submitted overnight. Research has to cover a wider range of resources and subjects. As time goes by, more and more is being sought from the young minds of the world.
Apart from academic pressure, changing world views as to the importance of love, family, marriage, and career has also led many to a state of depression, not to mention the apparent bleak state of world finances. More and more, students have gone down a downward spiral, having difficulty seeing the good in things and generally becoming tired, weak, passionless robots instead of the vibrant youth they should be at this point in their lives.
Depression, especially in students, is difficult to cure. They are a sensitive, emotionally unstable bunch and are at a very impressionable stage of their lives. One false move could lead to dire consequences such as large-scale young rebellion or even attempts at taking one's life.
Luckily, however, one sure fire way to cure - if not prevent - depression, is readily available for students. Holistic health looks at a person not only from a medical but also a spiritual, mental, and emotional point of view. It provides treatments, which aim not only to improve one aspect of a person's life, but his or her life as a whole.
It is perfect for the stressed out, depressed student because oftentimes, the problems of those belonging to this group are not focused on only one aspect of their lives. It is not always just school or friends or relationships that can set their emotions on a roller coaster ride. There is also that of having issues with the family, identity, and even sexuality.
Considering that there may be many concerns that bothers a student, this makes it difficult to pinpoint one sole cause. Often, too, problems, which begin emotionally, manifest themselves physically as well, resulting in students who are not only spiritually and emotionally spent but also physically unhealthy. Gaunt figures, eye bags, unhealthy paunches from consuming too much alcohol - all these are signs of growing depression.
Before it is too late, it is imperative for parents, siblings, other family members, and even school officials, to make sure that the students in their lives are always kept at a stable and safe state of holistic health. These figures must never assume that everything is okay, that things are fine and dandy. More often than not, these students are having an extremely tough time. Therefore, if remedies such as alternative therapy and holistic health can be taken advantage of, the opportunity should not be wasted.
Depression in students is not a joke, thus, before things will go out of hand, it is important for parents to reach out to their kids or look for professionals that could help the intervention. For more information on Why Am I Depressed or how to fight depression in students, visit Sydney Holistic.

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What Is Mental Health?

To see sense changes in their lives, it is important to feel hope for the future and believe that change for the better is possible. Autonomy - self-determination Autonomy is to cope with everyday life, have power over themselves and be able to make their own decisions and to have the ability to like and believe in themselves.
Health is closely linked to personal development and achieved towards a set goal, so it is important to manage to arouse the desire to set and work toward goals in life. This is an essential element of the concept of health and can be experienced as a feeling enhanced by opportunities to influence their situation. Abilities and timing is essential for health
We often talk about health or mental health, but what is it? Health is often considered to be the same as the absence of disease, but it is an oversimplification of the concept of health. The ability to influence and change according to their own values?
In society and personal life is built up with the help of that person's autonomy and is respected in the social interaction between people.
People are inherently creative and make their choices based on what is perceived as meaningful, therefore strengthening the motivation of participation to be able to formulate their own goals in life.
Community in a social context: To be able to experience the health, it is essential to feel equal, meaningful and free. To be autonomous is to be a self independent person and make their own decisions and take responsibility for them.
Health as a concept has been discussed since the 1700s, but at the time was perceived body and mind as separate from each other and health was seen as a state free from disease.
Health is a positive concept that deals with social and personal resources, and physical ability.To have hope, freedom, independence and participation are respected strengthens the will, confidence and responsibility as well as the individual's ability to influence the situation.
A person may experience health even at a diagnosed disease and good health has a positive effect on both the resistance to disease and the ability to recover and recover from injury and disease.
Being together, enjoy fellowship and love is central to experience health. Similarly, the confirmation of one's own value, in dialogue with other people, a vital contribution to the experience of health.
Another important factor for health is timing, because an unhealthy activity at one time usually does not affect health, while a long-term unhealthy behavior can lead to ill health and ultimately to serious illness. The concept of health comes from the word "health" which means a state of being healthy and whole.
Many people who have chronic illnesses or physical limitations, even those experiencing health by finding strategies to cope with or overcome their difficulties. The concept of health means to perceive himself as a positive and independent individual in development, to feel hope and meaning in life and fellowship with others.
All parts are important for health to be achieved, developed and preserved. It is impossible to clearly distinguish the boundaries between these key components of the concept of health.
The World Health Organization says that every person's opportunities to health includes both physical and mental health and must be seen in context of personal development through life. The risk with these rather broad and universal definitions is that they are perceived as unattainable ideal state.
To enjoy, appreciate and see the positive in their situation, and to have positive experiences of past changes is the basis to set and implement goals in life. Health can be seen as a resource for everyday life, not as the goal of life.
An important definition of health that many scientists are describing is that man has the ability to realize or achieve vital goals. An important prerequisite for knowing health is to have autonomy. Autonomy means self-determination and the right to self-determination over their lives. Autonomy and independence are fundamental and health adversely affected if options are missing.
These abilities can be cognitive, such as to solve problems, to perceive emotions and impressions, and interpersonal skills (the ability to socialize with other people). A deficiency in any of these abilities affect the person's health.
William Moore is the Founder and Webmaster of Depression Symptoms Solutions. To learn more about Depression Symptoms Solutions and the types of Depression, their tips, and solutions, please go to
If you or somebody you care about has or thinks they have a problem with depression, You will definitely want to browse this website for the great information shared here at

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samedi 26 octobre 2013

How Do People Know They Are Depressed?

Depression is one of the most common disorders that affects people daily. People can be depressed and not even know it. Its symptoms can be masked by other physiological problems, so depression is often ignored and diagnosed much later after ruling out other disorders.
So how do people know they are depressed? There are a few symptoms a person must have in order to be considered clinically depressed. You must have at least five of the following eight symptoms in order to be diagnosed with clinical depression.
1. Sleep disturbance. People who are depressed normally complain of changes in their sleep pattern. Majority of these people complain they have a hard time sleeping, but there are some who say they sleep more than usual.
2. Interest decline. Depressed people usually do not continue to do their favorite things that they used to do. This can range anywhere from cooking, shopping, or even watching television.
3. Guilty feelings. Some depressed people state they feel guilty about being depressed and wish their illness would not affect their loved ones lives or their own.
4. Energy levels decreased. There is a significant decline in energy levels in depressed people. They say they do not have enough energy to cook, do daily tasks, or even go to work.
5. Concentration levels decline. It is hard for a person who is depressed to concentrate for a long period of time. This may cause problems in the workplace or in personal relationships.
6. Appetite changes. Majority of people who are depressed claim they have a decrease in their food intake, but there are some who state their appetite actually increases causing weight gain.
7. Psychomotor agitation. Depressed people often state their train of thought is decreased, so they act and move at a slower pace as a consequence.
8. Suicidal. The most concerning symptom of depression is the risk of suicide. If people claim they want to end their lives, always ask if they have a current plan. If they do, have them committed to a hospital immediately to seek medical attention before it is too late.
These traits must be exhibited for a minimum of two consecutive weeks to be diagnosed with clinical depression. Once a person has been diagnosed, there are several treatment options they can choose from. These range from group or individual therapy to single or multiple medications to even Electroconvulsive (Shock) Therapy for those who need immediate treatment who may not tolerate drugs.
So if you believe you or someone you know is depressed, ask them if they have any of the above symptoms and for how long. If you have any further questions about depression, you can go to to learn more information or you may contact Dr. Adrienne Hicks-Lillard at
If you have any further questions about depression, you can go to to learn more information or you may contact Dr. Adrienne Hicks-Lillard at

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How to Be Happy? 7 Secrets of Happiness

What is happiness?
Happiness is a mental or emotional state of wellbeing and contentment. It is characterised by positive or pleasant emotions like joy, pleasure and good fortune. It is something we all want to have in life and seek through various different activities such as work and leisure time or with friends and family. A few of us indulge in risk taking behaviour which can only bring temporary happiness like drugs, alcohol and other pleasure seeking activities.
Sigmund Freud the founding father of psychoanalysis argues the only purpose in life people agree upon is to be happy however this is impossible within civilisation due to our instinctual drives being suppressed by the external world which he called the reality principle. Civilisation provides us safety and protection but strips from us our creativity and our spontaneous nature to enjoy things.
Are your daily routines holding you back, suppressing your creativity and killing your motivation? Perhaps you are feeling discouraged and depressed at home, work or in business. If your negative emotions have been impacting your life and you are curious about gaining some personal freedom beneficial to your mental wellbeing unlike Freud perhaps you are searching for the miracle cure for unhappiness.
Many of the clients I work with in our group coaching programmes express a need to be more fulfilled, they want to find something more valuable and have a desire to be more content in their work and personal life. So what are the secrets to happiness?
The 7 Secrets to Happiness
1) Develop your self esteem- If you are not happy with who you are on the inside making changes to the outside will often be short lived. Work on yourself and valuing who you are. It is impossible for you to be like anyone else and still feel authentic. Discover your unique gifts and qualities to embrace who you are.
2) Face suffering. Instead of putting off difficult things we need to face them first. This will give you more energy for other things in your life without dread looming in the background. If these are difficult or complex issues putting them off will often make your suffering worse. Take the first steps and decide to no longer procrastinate or avoid suffering.
3) Deal with anger, hatred and anxiety- holding onto negative feelings about yourself or others is like drinking poison everyday. It will ruin everything you do. Decide to forgive, this does not mean you have to trust that person or spend time with them everyday. However it is a decision not to hold onto any past wrongs.
4) Deepen your connections with others- human beings require connection to others through relationship. Strengthen your relationship with your partner, children, family, friends or neighbours. Recognise they are special and play an important role in your life by making more time for them. Alternatively volunteer your time or join a community group connecting with the wider community can be incredibly rewarding.
5) Meditation for your inner being. Daily relaxation and deep breathing for just only 15 minutes can make a difference. It can be a powerful and deep way to connect to a greater awareness and compassion for life. Being thankful in your inner being strengthens you and puts you in a much calmer and peaceful state.
6) Diet & Exercise- commit to reducing the amount of sugar, fat and processed foods you eat each week. A simple thing to do immediately is substitute white processed carbohydrates for whole grains like brown rice, wholemeal pasta or bread. They release energy slowly and will give you natural energy better than Redbull. Exercising each day even if it is just walking for 30 minutes will release endorphins and give you an energy boost.
7) Refresh yourself with positive things. Avoid listening to the news or weather forecast first thing it is not refreshing to be exposed to negativity when starting your day. Instead try a daily devotional or positive quotes, something that will uplift your mood first thing in the morning. If you get into the habit of focusing on the right things before you leave the house you will start your day right.
Connect with me on Facebook for a daily dose of bitesize encouragement and tips to create a healthier and happier life.

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Why Your Sleep Pattern Might Be Affecting Your Mood

You may have heard that not getting enough sleep can make you cranky. But being cranky can also mess with your sleep... many people suffer from anxiety that increases agitation and stress, making sleep hard to come by.
So what is the right balance, and where do you start?
The ideal sleeping pattern looks something like this:
Wake up with the sun, go to bed within 3 hours of the sun going down.
Might sound easy... but we all have a life, right? Maybe work gets in the way, or sometimes we aren't willing to sacrifice our pleasure-seeking and relaxation activities to get the Z's that we need.
However, it is important to try to get as close to that model as possible. We are designed to work this way, and getting too off-track can lead to depression and mood swings. It can also lead to weight gain, and the body won't be able to repair itself adequately, among other issues.
Many people are pushed to try sleeping pills to get them to bed at night, but these have their side effects. Any time you can do something natural over synthetic, I highly suggest it.
So what can you do? Look into the areas of your life where you may be "borrowing" energy throughout your day. Do you need caffeine to wake you up in the morning? This may set you up for a high and low of energy throughout the day, causing wakefulness at night. Want to know how to wake yourself up instantly? Try a tall glass of lemon water, or even citrus essential oils will perk you right up. Exercise first thing will also get you going. Anything that will not cause a "crash" a few hours later is ideal.
Do you eat sugar or white breads and starches? These will set you on a high and low blood sugar roller coaster, which can cause sleep problems along with many other even more serious issues, like diabetes and obesity. Work on eating a low glycemic diet... foods that don't send your blood sugar sky high.
Are you overly stressed? Meditation can help with that... some even find it useful to meditate at night so it can put them to sleep. Find ways to cut back on stress.
And of course... practice until you get it down. I used to be a night owl; I would go in to work bartending, starting at 9 PM! I would get home and in bed at 3 or 4 AM, and wake up at 10 AM. I was way off track and I was miserable with sleep deprivation.
I finally discovered that not only sleeping 8 hours a night, but also at the correct interval, allowed me to feel better immediately. It took me almost 2 years to become a morning person! Now I enjoy my mornings, and you can too.
Andrea Holt is a Holistic Health Coach and the creator of Happy Brain Movement. After a life-long battle with low moods and a desire to never let another anti-depressant go past her lips, she set out to find exactly what it is that makes people depressed and what she could do about it. Andrea has collected her research and made it available to others with the hope that she can save someone else the trouble of going through the anti-depressant merry-go-round, and create a life that they truly desire and cherish. Healthy lifestyle, foods, movement and positive thinking are among her favorite subjects. Visit her website at and Facebook page at

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How to Help Your Child Overcome Depression

Depression is a common but somewhat misunderstood problem in children and adolescents. When a child or teenager is frequently sad, irritable, withdrawn or isolative it can be extremely disruptive and distressing to the child and the family, and parents may struggle to identify the best ways to address this issue. When determining how to address a child's depression, there are several important questions that parents should ask.
QUESTION #1: What are the warning signs that my child may be depressed?
The first step is to identify that something is wrong. There are several behaviors that parents should be on the look-out for that could indicate the presence of depression. Typical warning signs for depression include: sad or irritable mood (i.e. tearfulness, angry outbursts); loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyable; significant weight gain or loss (or inability to gain age-appropriate amounts of weight); difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much; moving slowly; loss of energy; reporting feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt; recurrent thoughts of death or suicide (which can often be expressed in drawings or journals); or problems concentrating.
QUESTION #2: Is this just normal sadness or "depression?"
As most parents know, even the happiest child will be sad sometimes. This is perfectly normal. However, there is a difference between appropriate levels of sadness and depression. Parents should try and determine whether the sadness is related to environmental factors. For example, it is very normal for a child to be sad when a pet dies or, for a teenager, after a difficult break-up. Furthermore, a certain level of irritability is often present during the teenage years. However, if a parent notices that their child appears to get sad or angry for no reason, is sad all the time, can't seem to get over his/her sadness, or that the sadness is having a significant negative impact on his/her life (i.e. refusing school; no friends, etc.) then depression may be present. A child or teenager without diagnosable depression may still benefit from some form of treatment. And, if a parent is unsure whether or not his/her child has a diagnosable depressive disorder, the best thing for them to do is to reach out to a qualified mental health professional who can evaluate these symptoms and provide an answer.
QUESTION #3: Who should I talk to if I think my child or teen is depressed?
Many parents don't know who to turn to when they fear that their child or teen is depressed. If there is a care provider you trust or have a good relationship with, such as a pediatrician or school counselor, talking to them is a good first step. They can offer support and point you in the right direction of an appropriate mental health care professional. Professionals such as psychologists and psychiatrists most commonly provide treatment for depression. On-line web searches and databases will provide the names of appropriate professionals and practices that you can contact. If you talk to a pediatrician, school counselor, etc., ask if they can recommend a professional in the community that specializes in childhood depression. Both psychologists and psychiatrists can assess depression. However, psychologists often provide more extensive therapy for depression, while psychiatrists can prescribe medication if that is indicated for your child. Your provider should help guide you in determining if your child would benefit from therapy, medication or a combination of the two.
QUESTION #4: What should I look for in a counselor? What questions should I ask?
When a parent is researching mental health care providers, there are some important questions to ask. Not all professionals are the same, and you want to find one that is a strong fit for your child's needs. First, you want to ask about the professional's experience. You will want to ensure that the professional has experience in working with children and adolescents and that they have experience treating depression. You're child may or may not have clinical depression, but it may prove helpful to find a professional who has experience, training and expertise in this area so that they can accurately assess the symptoms and provide depression-focused treatment if it is indeed needed. Second, you want to ask about the kind of treatment that they will provide. For example, certain therapies have been shown by research to be effective in treating depression in children, and this information is available on-line. Such evidence-based treatment models include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT). If you are speaking with a psychiatrist, you can ask them about the types of medication they typically use to treat depression in their clients.
QUESTION #5: How should I talk to my child or teen about their depression?
Many parents struggle with how to best approach their child about depression and the possibility of treatment. Each parent has their own style and a unique knowledge of their child. That being said, it is a good idea to express your concern in an empathic, supportive, not-judgmental way. Many children (especially teenagers) might be hesitant to talk about their feelings, so you want to let them know that many people experience depression and that you understand that it is very difficult for them. Furthermore, when discussing treatment, you can reiterate that you love and care about them and want them to live a happier life.
Is your child or teen struggling with mood swings, depression or anxiety? Is he or she having difficulty at school? at home? We can help. We offer counseling to children, teens and their families. Visit or schedule a consultation today (919) 428-2766 ext.0.

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Elderly Care and Depression

Depression, which is characterised as mental illness, is often overlooked by elders as they think more about physical problems than emotional issues. It is often observed that depression is an outcome of anxiety caused by physical illness. Depression makes individual see things in a negative light. Despair and pessimism are often the root cause of depression. Depressed person tends to blame himself/herself for things that they are not responsible for.
Depression can occur at any point of time. It is usually triggered by events such as death of a loved one, accident, or family issues like financial crisis and worry over the future of children, or anxiety over the possibility of physical ailments. Recurring memories of painful events of the past can also lead to depression. There are various other physical ailments that can also trigger depression. It is observed that almost all kinds of physical health issues can trigger depression in elder adults. Certain kinds of medications can cause depression.
Just like other disease, depression too is treatable. Older adults usually tend to ignore depression thinking it to be a part of aging and other related physical illnesses. The intensity depression is different in every elder. Families too often overlook the symptoms of depression suffered by the elders in their home. Often the symptoms of depression are mistaken to be that of Alzheimer's, Dementia, Arthritis, Cancer, Parkinson's, stroke, or thyroid disorders.
Elders who experience depression also mistake it to be a flaw with their behaviour. Treatment also gets delayed due to the notion of elderly care being expensive. However, there are several studies that prove the effectiveness of various methods that help in countering depression. Today, there are number of ways for aged care support for people diagnosed with depression.
Most preferred modes of treatment for depression include psychotherapy (counselling), electroconvulsive therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, and medicines - anti depressant.
Below are some quick and simple tips to counter depression:
• It is difficult to share with family members about the issues you undergo. However, opening up and talking about issues you face can lower the propensity depression.
• Stay active. Rigorous physical exercises may not be possible to do at old age, but engaging in daily conversations, social activities, brisk walks can help.
• Do what you love doing i.e. keep up with your hobbies and interests.
• Eat properly, as this can prevent weight loss. Avoid chocolates and biscuits.
• Avoid over thinking, Depression is not a sign of weakness.
• Share your feelings with others
• Avoid alcohol
Kadji The Care is unique care home located in Vadodara, Gujarat, India. Depression is a mental illness that needs to be handled with care and under the guidance of experts, Kadji's care home in Gujarat, houses experts from various branches of medicine and health care. For more information visit

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