Did you know that depression is ten times more prevalent since 1945? It didn't just jump to that figure in 1946, of course! But the reasons aren't too hard to find. Ever since 1945, the speed of life has been gradually increasing, gradually until computers came on the scene. Then it skyrocketed.
It isn't just depression, but a whole plethora of mental conditions. But in this article, we're dealing with depression.
Broadly speaking, drugs are not the way to go, so far as treatment is concerned. This we'll discuss in future articles, but they do have decided setbacks and while they can do good, they also have unpleasant side effects.
We all have our 'off' days. But if these days extend to one or two weeks, then something is certainly wrong. Some of the warning signs are
1. Feeling tired out when you wake up in the morning.
2. Poor concentration.
3. Worrying for no reason, and perhaps having upsetting thoughts.
4. Things you used to enjoy no longer give you pleasure.
5. You become upset or emotional for no reason at all.
There are more, but those I've listed give you a good overview. Also, not all people have the same symptoms. I expect, though, that if you have been hit by depression, then two or more of those signs will be familiar to you.
But what can I do to help myself if I feel depressed? Now here, I'm jumping ahead rather, but the main thing is not to ruminate. Don't brood! Dreams play a great part in depression, but again, that's for another article. But while there are other methods about which we'll learn, this business of rumination is certainly one of the most important.
Suppose you've had an awful row with a colleague at work. As all too often happens when you row with someone, insults can be hurled, hurtful things said, which you wouldn't dream of saying under normal circumstances. Eventually, you both walk away, steaming. Nothing's been resolved, feelings have been badly hurt on both sides, and a person you looked on as a friend is now no longer.
You drive home, still seething, and your mood carries on throughout the evening and when you go to bed. You sleep fitfully and have strange, disturbing dreams.
You wake up in the morning, feeling exhausted, but off you go to work. Now the best thing you can do is try to mend fences with your friend. Yes, it's tough, but you'll feel a whole lot better if you do.
So if you do feel depressed, pursue a hobby or better still, mix with people. The other way you can ruminate is if you are on your own, you start to think about things that happened years ago. Some girl that dumped you and you still feel mad about it when you think of her. So swing your mind round to pleasant thoughts.
Believe me, you'll feel better for it.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Bond
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7614767
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