samedi 2 novembre 2013

Fighting Fibromyalgia

Do you think you may have fibromyalgia? This is one of the conditions that is difficult to diagnose for many physicians. Mainly because the symptoms vary for each person. We do not know what causes this disease and there is no cure. But do not be discouraged, because there are people learning more everyday about this disease and how to cope with it. People with arthritis and other immune diseases are the ones commonly diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Women in their middle age are frequently targeted with this disease as well.
However, it is often characterized by pain in certain areas when pressure is applied. These spots are called tender points. They include elbows, neck, shoulders, hips, and knees. Sometimes the pain feels like a dull ache that is all over the body and there could be some short term memory problems.
Depression and Anxiety is also associated with this illness. The constant ache and lack of energy with no relief can be the cause for this. Not to mention the irritable bowels, headaches, and sleep problems that can occur. Small tasks may seem overwhelming and the symptoms can also cause you to miss out on activities you normally enjoy. Talking with a counselor may be helpful in helping you cope with stress and anxiety.
There are a few things that may help you get back to doing the things you enjoy. One of the recommended suggestions is to exercise gently. For example: yoga, stretching exercises and water aerobics. Regular exercise has been found to be one of the best treatments for fibromyalgia. It boosts your bodies seratonin levels and may ease the pain naturally.
It has been suggested that diet can aid in the symptoms of this disease. Caffeine and alcohol should be avoided in the afternoon or evening to aid in sleep patterns. MSG, aspartame, sugar, and tomatoes are just some of the foods that have been suggested to avoid. A high protein, low carb diet is suggested as well as plenty of liquids. If you haven't slept well the previous night learn to slow down and listen to your bodies needs. A hot bath and keeping cool temperatures at night help in sleep patterns.
There are some dietary supplements that may help symptoms of fibromyalgia. You should consult your physician first to make sure that they do not conflict with any medications that you may be already on. They are magnesium, melatonin, St. John's wort, and SAMe just to name a few. Some doctors recommend hormones for symptoms as well as anti-seizure medication.
Lisa Joseph is helping people find a natural remedy to fight fibromyalgia and depression. To find out more about this exciting information, see depression

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