mardi 25 février 2014

Why Am I Feeling So Depressed?

Do you often find yourself asking the question "Why am I depressed?" Life seems to be in perfect order and you certainly have healthy relationships with your friends and loved. You have a good job and you everything else around you is perfect place. But why exactly do you feel low-spirited? According to experts, there could be a lot of reasons why someone could feel downhearted and troubled. It doesn't necessarily have to do with what you have or what you don't have. Sometimes, the feeling of helplessness and depression has something to do with your state of mind.
More often than not, feelings of depression don't necessarily have a direct effect. If you think you are upset and down because of external circumstances, then you could be wrong. At this point, you need to look into the internal circumstances for you to fully understand what it is you are feeling. According to experts, we often times experience unconscious stresses that we can't pin down the reason why are feeling low and upset.
Take for instance a person who had just experienced divorce with his partner. Naturally, the individual will try to resolve the issue on his own. As life goes on, he will also continue to work and keep himself busy with other chores. In order to keep his mind off the problem, he will go out with his friends and have a little fun in his social life. As time passes by, everything would seem fine but deep inside the hurt and pain still linger. Now let's say that the person has found someone else. There is a new child on the way yet he is still feeling down and troubled despite the good things that are happening. At this specific scenario, the feeling of depression may have been brought forward by what had happened in the past. Memories remain and unresolved issues from the past have caused such feeling of helplessness and depression.
Whenever you feel down and low, depressive thinking patterns can eventually develop. Why am I depressed? Well, there are a lot of reasons why you are feeling that way. External factors such as sudden change and unfavorable situation can cause depressive thoughts and patterns to surface. These ill thought can subsequently cause the individual to feel depressed. According to experts, depression is caused by the way we think about certain events, situations and even circumstances in our lives.
As for the person who feels low-hearted despite all the good things that are happening around him, he could be having random thoughts and is starting to develop feelings of depression. What is really happening is that negative thoughts are starting to get into him. Eventually, his emotions are triggered by negative circumstances. Even with happy events, he will start to down and question his emotions. He will start to feel guilty for getting into another relationship and having a new baby. Both happy and negative thoughts are highlighted and the individual's emotions are stirred up without the individual rationalizing what is really happening around him.
Find out more info about Why am I depressed and learn more from the authority site here as well @

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The Surprising Benefits of Acupuncture

Dealing with Depression
For some people, depression is a very hard thing to combat again. Once you start, you wind up spiraling down into a state of mind that some people don't ever come back from without the proper treatment. It's important to make sure that you take the time to consider what other alternative measures are out there to treat depression. Acupuncture for depression has been said to give surprising results considering that most tend to rely on the prescription pill method.
Better than Pills?
Some studies conducted on the benefits of acupuncture for depression have determined that a single acupuncture session a couple times a week can help significantly reduce levels of stress and depression in the body. Some would say that this is just as good, if not better, than the prescription medication that some people take in order to get the same effect. Additionally, acupuncture is considered to be:
• Very quick and relaxing
• Inexpensive
• Less frequent than medication
Also Good for Weight Loss
And it's not just depression that acupuncture is repairing. It has also been indicated that there are acupuncture for weight loss sessions that help burn the fat. Those same pressure points that reduce stress and depression have also been linked to causing fat calories to burn up a lot quicker. Through this process, over time the patient may find him or herself dropping one or two pounds more per week than if he or she never went to the acupuncturist at all. Some would even go so far as to say that acupuncture helps deliver the body's natural remedies for depression that can't be given by simply going to the store and buying pills or going to the doctor and asking for a prescription.
Something to Consider
With depression, it can be difficult to face up to the challenges that will seem gargantuan thanks to depression's symptoms. It could feel like the end of the world, but you can learn how to fight depression by getting help from a doctor or psychologist. When other alternatives don't appear to be working, then you should definitely take the time to look at acupuncture. Consider what others have said and perhaps that will be what does the trick to making you feel less depressed and stressful about life. Even if it's a small relief, it's a starting point from which you can start to build upon.
For more depression articles, visit

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Suicide - A 95 Percent Chance

"Patty is gone", was what I heard when my sister Maureen called me on December 3, 2012. One year ago. My first thought was that Patty had left the care home and was heading back home. No, Patty had taken her life that morning. I did not have the opportunity to say goodbye. This was something that our family and her doctor had given a zero to 5 percent chance of happening. Suicide had been discussed with Patty and she had given her "guarantee" that suicide was not an option.
Her wonderful psychiatrist believed that Patty's strong, lifelong Catholic faith would always deter her from suicide. I held her hand at Mass the day before. Little did we know that she would be gone the next day. So, after 67 years, we live on with the great memories while wrestling with the mystery of suicide. There won't be any new memories. Lives have changed.
During this past year, in retrospect, I have come to the realization that instead of prescribing a 5 percent chance that Patty would have committed suicide, it should have been a 95 percent chance. Obviously, this is very easy for me to say one year later. However, this is not about me or Patty's family. It is about the millions of families that deal with mental illness on a daily basis. They must talk about suicide with each other constantly. They must be direct, open and honest in communications.
Patty was feeling trapped and believed that there was no way out. She wanted her unbearable pain to end. 90 percent of people who die by suicide in the U.S. suffer debilitating mental illness, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. The reasons people choose suicide are multilayered and there is no easy explanation.
What was she thinking? How long had she planned the action? Did she have a plan? Why did she do it at that time? These are some of the questions that we now ask. One of our father's favorite words was fakery, although I am not certain it is a real word. The definition of fakery is the inclination or practice of misleading others through lies or trickery. How long did her fakery go on? Everything makes sense when you are suicidal.
Could we have prevented her suicide? This is the question that will be with our family forever with no answer. I find some solace in believing that she was determined to commit suicide. I may be deceiving myself, but I need to find some positives in this tragic story.
Should we have been trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of suicide? Yes. Patty had a special relationship with her doctor. She saw him often and he had guided her successfully through her previous bouts of depression. This time was different. Four months of pacing, non-eating and total withdrawal had consumed her. We discovered that drugs are not always the answer to make people better. Patty took enough drugs to stock a pharmacy. There is no magic cure for depression.
What was her Catholic belief system telling her? We were originally taught as children that suicide was a mortal sin. Patty knew that suicide allowed her to be inside God's embrace, enjoying a freedom she thought she could never enjoy here again. She knew, through her work with the homeless, that God has a special affection for those who are too bruised to survive in this world.
Americans are not prepared to talk about mental illness or suicide, because of the stigma. It leaves us with emotional, moral and religious scars. Suicide brings with it an ache, a chaos, and a darkness. There is no reason to feel blame or shame. 45.6 million American adults are living with mental illness.
How can someone truly recognize the signs that a loved one may be contemplating suicide? Nobody can predict a suicide. You must be prepared to help someone you love who one day may experience a suicidal crisis. Take all talk of suicide seriously. Constantly ask the direct questions, "Are you thinking about suicide?" or "Are you having suicidal thoughts?" Do not treat the threat lightly - even if the loved one jokes about it. They are expressions of extreme distress.
Get your loved one help immediately by taking them to the hospital emergency room, calling 911 or the police department, call a suicide hotline or call their doctor. Do not leave the person alone. Make sure that they have no access to means of harm that could be used in a suicide attempt. This includes cords of all kinds.
With a shortage of psychiatric beds, patients must be considered a danger to themselves or others for inpatient admission. Patients must communicate their dangerousness or distress in order to guarantee that they will be admitted for further treatment.
The idea of certainty in our life is an illusion which is in place so we can function in everyday life. But nothing is certain. Suicide throws out this notion of certainty and forces us to realize that life is a gift. Remember the 95 percent rule!
With Love, Sis, we miss you.
Terry Rice is a Milwaukee, Wisconsin resident

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What Are The Real Causes For Depression?

In today's day-to-day lifestyle, depression is a very familiar disorder. It affects every eighth man and every fourth woman (scary I know). Many of us are actually unaware of the symptoms of depression which include feelings of desperation, compulsive negative thinking, increased or decreased appetite, insomnia or an increased need for sleep, being apart from the social scene, frequently irritated, loss of memory and lowered concentration levels, interest in suicide and death. Never take the causes of depression too lightly, It may get worse if not cured on time and It should be under periodic surveillance.
It's assumed that the cause of depression is 40 - 70% hereditary, and it is also noticed that in some cases the person under depression has a child who is showing signs of depression as well (as was the case in my relationship with my father). This means that the potential for depression lies in the persons genetic organs.
Hereditary or not it's proven that depression is nothing but an angry or hopeless mood and can be overcome in time. It is known that being deprived of light and warmth in the winter season can increase the chances of depression. This type of seasonal disorder can further lead to a major depressive condition. Hormones also plays a major role in causing depression, especially among those women who suffers from Pre menstrual syndrome or postpartum depression. In fact, while one out of every four women suffer from depression compared to one in every eight men, this discrepancy disappears among women who have undergone menopause, when there are lower levels of estrogen. More and more research is needed to rectify whether these hormonal disorders can really cause depression or are merely just triggers.
Getting thrown out of a job, getting divorced, or a sudden death in the family may not be the true cause of depression, but they can tamper the problem in those who have predispositions for the problem. Most probably these events can cause feelings of worthlessness, but if these are not persistent, they are the normal aspects of the grieving process and are not the real cause of the depression.
Depression is sadness that lasts too long. Everyone is sad at some point in their lives but depression is more than that. It is a feeling that you cannot bring yourself up from the bottom. In the end you give up trying. People start to avoid you. You feel worse. You feel you need to find external help to treat the problem in the same way as you would if you had a long-lasting cold. Once you have acknowledged that you have depression, remember that it is a medical condition and can be cured. Nobody actually thinks of you the way you think they do. Talk to someone. Seek and accept help and you will find that there is a different way of seeing life.
The End The Anxiety Program is your final stop in your search for a cure from anxiety and depression.

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How Crystal Healing Rings Help During Depression?

Many could look at it as a miraculous healing, while still others could refer to it as holistic healing. However way you choose to look at it, Crystal healing or crystal therapy is a mind blowing healing process that uses crystal healing rings. If you have ever heard of gemstones, then that is what this process uses. To people who have not experienced this kind of healing with crystal healing rings, it may not just sound ridiculous, but also appear like a process that is more of a myth than a reality. Come to think of it; how could a stone possibly relieve a human being's depression? Either way, it has been proved to work.
How Crystal Therapy Works?
• The rings can either be carried or worn: The gems are placed at a distinct place where the patient can feel them vibrate. Once the vibration is felt, the patient begins to heal slowly. Not every stone can perform the duty of the other. Each of them has got a unique ability.
• The rings are used basically for meditation purposes, as well as for divination purposes: Each of them has got different colors; shape as well as sizes and all serve different purposes.
• The patient has to relax, meditate and the rings that they are attracted to more are the ones that are used in healing them. The patients are advised to keep their hearts open as well as their hands; so that an intuitive feeling can lead them in choosing the right healing rings.
• Citrine and the yellow topaz are what are used more to relieve depression. These are special, seasonal stones that best serve the purpose of relieving depression.
• Once the healer recommends a particular gem to the patient, the patient is expected to be in close contact with the crystal healing rings so that the process can have the impact it ought to have. Even when sleeping the patient is advised to keep the ring under the pillow. Slowly the depressed patients get back to their normal state once they obey the directions of the healer.
• Recharge: When using the gem, it has to be constantly charged to enhance the power that it emits during crystal healing. Usually, it is dipped in water for a certain period of time, and by the time it is taken out it gains the power it had at the beginning of the healing process.
Depression is a dull illness that could leave you or your loved one uneasy and withdrawn. But crystal healing rings could bring them back to their jovial state and for a better understanding you can Read More Here. It's all about putting the right measures in embracing crystal healing rings and finding that relief that this process generates, in the emotional state.

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How To Eliminate Manic Depression From Your Life Once And For All

Manic depression which is also known as bipolar disorder is a very serious depression that negatively impacts of person who suffers from it.
Manic depression means the 'ups' and 'downs' of ones mood. The characteristic of this disorder is a person all of a sudden changes their moods from being happy to sad or the other way around. Doctors have researched that having mood swings is a big symptom that you will be depressed.
If you have mood swings for a long time without trying to stop them they will end up being worse than before. You will begin to get angry over small things like buying candy from a vendor and by them their time in giving you your change. If it goes on to a stage where you end up maybe throwing the ice cream back to the vendor then you should know you may now be suffering from manic depression.
When a person has manic depression they have an aggressive behavior. They are easily irritated by the most smallest thing and have a sudden euphoric mood outburst that is un-controllable to them. First these outbursts can last for a few days then after some time they take longer.
When a person is suffering from manic depression they will have times when they are feeling at their lowest. The thing to watch out for as a result of this depression is extreme sadness, feeling of not belonging, extreme pessimism, anxiety attacks and lots of guilt. If a person is depressed for more than a week then that person is considered to be a manic depression sufferer.
All though manic depression is considered to be one of the worst depression stages but one nice thing is that it can be treated. This condition can be treated by a therapist that will guide you on how to go about eliminating this depression once and for all.
If you or your loved one is suffering from this disorder you should visit a therapist as soon as possible before it's too late. The therapist will tell you the dates where you will have to visit him/her and will most probably give you some medication to take when you at home. Therapists are professionals that are trained to help such people and are very good at doing their jobs.
And when getting treatment from a therapist you have to make sure you don't jump an appointment because that can delay the healing process and make sure you take the medication that is prescribed by the therapist.
There's a lot more involved to eliminating bipolar disorder. If you want more guidelines on how to be bipolar free and bring back true happiness in your life then get yourself a copy of the complete guide to stopping bipolar disorder here:
You can also get your FREE copy of our ebook "The Bipolar Disorder" that will give you various methods on how not to be a bipolar sufferer starting from today. Download your copy here: Bipolar disorder manual.

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Self Help Tips For Depression

Depression is a terrible disease to have to deal with in our lives. It drains our energy, kills our motivation, hope and dreams which make life harder than it should be. The good news is that depression does not have to stop you. While it isn't always easy overcoming depression, it is absolutely possible.
Now, there are different levels of depression which effect us humans. Some of us may have a mild case of depression which is easier to overcome than more severe cases. Some of us may be severely depressed or somewhere in between which makes beating depression tougher.
Putting depression behind you starts by thinking positive each and every day while making small steps in the correct direction. The good news, there is self help for depression in the form of information, support groups and various other resources. Friends and family can be a great help for those of us struggling with depression as well.
Depression Doesn't Have To Control Your Life
While depression is usually persistent, it does not have to control you. Taking life one day at a time while challenging negativity and thinking positive can help put depression in its place. That being said, it simply isn't always that easy. In many cases, there may be a need for medication and professional help to get a grip on your depression.
There are all types of medicines readily available nowadays which help to get control of severe depression. While you will need to see a doctor to get the correct medicines and dosages needed for your level of depression, it's not always the answer to treating depression. In many cases, depression can be beaten without having to resort to taking medicine.
Sometimes, visiting a mental health doctor and talking about your problems can help relieve some of your depression and symptoms. It always helps to vent instead of holding everything inside letting it boil. If you require professional help to get your depression under control then do not hesitate to seek it out. It doesn't mean you're a weak or bad person. Many of us do require professional help to control our depression if it is severe enough.
Self-Help Tips For Overcoming Depression
There are several things you can do to help keep depression at bay. Many people may label this as self help for depression as these are things you can do yourself to battle depression.
  • Make sure to get a full eight hours of sleep each and every night. This may sound like common sense to some, but if you aren't getting the proper rest then it can cause a strain or stress in your life.

  • Challenge negativity and surround yourself with positive people. There is nothing good that comes from thinking negatively and socializing with positive people can only help rub off on you.

  • Get outside and get some sun! Remaining indoors all day and isolating yourself will only make depression worse. Step outside and take a walk and enjoy what nature has to offer.

  • Attempt to keep your stress level from going too high. Stress will only make your depression worse than it already is, while relieving stress will help with depression.

  • Think about getting a pet. Caring for a pet has been shown to help those of us with different levels of depression.

  • Do things that you enjoy. If you enjoy a certain thing don't keep yourself from having fun.

  • Try to incorporate some exercise into your life. Working out or exercising can be a big stress reliever which will help with most cases of depression.

  • Make sure you start eating better. Try to eat healthy and do not skip meals. Certain types of foods can actually boost your serotonin levels which is responsible for happiness. Some examples of the types of foods you should be looking at are baked potatoes, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta and wheat breads. Also, bananas have been shown to relieve anxiety because of the magnesium found in bananas.

  • Take vitamins such as B6 to help alertness and B-12 to help keep a deficiencies in check which can trigger depression. Chromium picolinate supplements can also help and have been shown to help with mood swings and boost your naturally energy levels.
Larry Haywood is the creator of which is a self help and personal development website geared at helping others improve their lives. Find more articles like this one at

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Positive Awareness - How to Find It?

There probably were some positive experiences you have had recently. Just small things really. Like the delight of bumping into a friend at the supermarket, a warm glow felt when someone shows you some consideration, or the delight you felt in observing your small grandchildren playing.
But when bad things also happen, how easy it is to forget the positives. The washing machine develops a fault. Someone at work has a go at you. You sleep badly because of a sore throat. If you focus on the bad stuff, you quickly forget any pleasant experiences and instead develop a negative frame of mind. So much so that you are in danger of noticing no hint of anything good and seeing what is bad in everything. So if you have this damaging tendency, how determined are you to start to see things differently? To notice more about the magic of life? And how in practice could you go about this?
Blocks that hinder you noticing the magic of life
You can be inwardly deadened by the noise and pollution of our urban environments, the endless information and the drudge of work. The temptation is to mindlessly sleepwalk through this kind of life; allowing past memories and future fantasies to dominate your consciousness as a way of escaping from the reality of the present moment. Then of course you become absent-minded; too alienated from the needs of the moment to notice the here and now with its ordinary crop of positive, albeit fleeting, experiences.
"The past is history,
The future a mystery,
At this moment is a gift.
Which is why it is called `the present.' "
(Unknown author)
Another factor that can hinder us in getting in contact with the positive uplifting side of life is that of materialistic science. The spiritual writer Roger Walsh has pointed out the blinding power of science, saying that we are so bombarded by its way of looking at the universe as a great meaningless machine that we led into a kind of cynicism regarding any meaning and purpose behind our world.
A third factor I would like to mention, is that of attachment to bodily pleasure and worldly concerns. For example developing an emotional, if not physical, dependence on alcohol, drugs, food, competition for social status, excessive consumption, and over identification with one's 'tribe'. Preoccupied with the material side of life can corrupt any vision of the spiritual.
Exercise focusing on positive experiences
One way of combating these problems is the 15 minute exercise of noticing the positives in your day. Here are some instructions.
1. In the evening, sit down alone comfortably in a quiet place with paper and pen.
2. Reflect on the day's events; what you did, who you spoke with and what was said, where you were and what you saw.
3. For each of these remembered ordinary moments, pause and consider anything positive. Were you touched by anything good about the experience? Perhaps if it was a fleeting or subtle moment when you felt pleased or impressed. May be you were even caught by a beauty or magic of the situation.
4. There would have been what was negative mixed up in what was positive. But write one sentence for each time about any positive aspect.
5. When you have finished reread your list.
"Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind." (Ashley Smith)
Benefits of recognising the positive
Looking for the positive each evening can have an accumulative beneficial effect. But to gain this benefit you need to make an effort.
"You need to stop. Wake up. Be more aware. Be conscious and recognise that something good is happening." (William Bloom)
When you are searching for positives you are likely to feel watchful, more relaxed and better humoured. Try to be mindful of how your mood has changed. Surrender to the experience. If it feels uplifting then think of it as a moment of spiritual connection even if it lasts only a few seconds. It is not true that spiritual experiences are rare and intense. A positive experience can be common and ordinary such as simply a feeling of uplift from a chance conversation, a brief flash of insight, or a moment of laughter.
As you starting to take more notice of good experiences, you are likely to want to search them out. And so many people actively seek some connection with the wonder and energy of life through the natural environment. They find the ambience of some landscapes takes them into a different mood and they become more sensitive to even a whisper of magic. Others hope to find something essentially good and wonderful about life in a friendly crowd or in intimacy with their loved one, or when caught up in a team of fellow workers in full and creative flow.
Swedenborgian point
A relevant Swedenborgian maxim is 'influx adapts itself to efflux.' In other words, inflow into the mind is proportional to outflow of the mind: perception from a higher level is proportional to the mindset of the observer. If you look for something you are more likely to notice it. But if you are resistant to the possibility of seeing the spiritual, you will be blind to it.
"Seek and you will find" (Jesus Christ)
Copyright 2013 Stephen Russell-Lacy
As a clinical psychologist, Stephen Russell-Lacy has specialised in cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy, working for many years with adults suffering distress and disturbance.
He edits Spiritual Questions a free eZine that explores links between spiritual philosophy and the comments and questions of spiritual seekers. You can share your views and find out more about feeling good, personal well-being & spiritual healing
His ebook Heart, Head and Hands draws links between the psycho-spiritual teachings of the eighteenth century spiritual philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg and current ideas in therapy and psychology.

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How to Beat Depression

Did you know that the Harvard School of Public Health announced that women who eat refined grains are 29 to 42 percent more likely to suffer from depression? An article in Live Science identifies the three foods that have the most negative affect on our mood; so called "fast food", soft drinks and refined grains. Refined grains include so-called foods such as white bread, white pasta, white rice, and pastries. This includes high fructose and corn syrup sweeteners, as well as the cleverly named "evaporated cane juice". The article is written by Dee McCaffrey, CDC, whose comment should really grab your attention. Who would think that you have to be wary of the labeling in a "health food" store? Well, listen to what she says,
"Funny, the white sugar requires more resources and energy to produce, so one would think that it should cost more [than the evaporated cane juice]. However, it costs less than evaporated cane juice, because people are willing to pay more for products that sound like they're "natural", regardless of the truth."
When holiday delicacies are loaded with these refined and altered foods, is it any wonder that people get "holiday blues"? The author William Dufty named it best when he wrote the book "Sugar Blues", inspired by legendary Hollywood actress Gloria Swanson.
Whether depression is medium to mild, or a result of a life-altering event, there are three self-healing practices most recommended by the medical professionals.
The first line of defense against depression is to make a conscious decision to create meals and snacks from whole foods. Many holistic medical professionals also recommend supplements, especially since stress lowers the ability of the immune system to respond to threats. Physicians who are well known for their presentations on programs such as PBS, Frontline and Oprah Winfrey include Deepak Chopra, Dr. Amen, Dr. Anthony Weil and Dr. Oz, all of whom have very educational websites that contain information, including suggestions for healthy supplements. Always consult with your health practitioner before spending money on supplements, and select only those of the best quality. Synthetic preparations, with a few exceptions, generally are not recognized at the cellular level and you end up with poor results in addition to simply throwing money down the drain.
Regular exercise is also recommended as an essential part of self-healing, with special mention given to Yoga, Tai Chi and Qi Gong as healing practices to accompany regular walks in nature, strength training and cardio exercise.
The third highly recommended strategy for depression is a daily practice of a spiritual practice such as prayer or mindful meditation.
Some depression is a result of fatigue, stress and overwork, combined with lack of sleep and poor diet. It may be necessary to examine our choices, especially when we find that we don't even have time to take care of ourselves. When depression is the natural result of a life-altering event or tragedy, it may seem even harder to find the motivation to take those steps for self-healing. One of my teachers told me; don't wait for illness or bad things to happen to begin self-care and self-healing practices. Build those skills when times are good, and when trouble comes these skills will serve you well.
When trouble comes or tragedy strikes, and we feel overwhelmed and discouraged by situations outside of our control, Deepak Chopra has written about how to deal with depression in his book, "Natural Healing for Anxiety and Depression". He provides us with the experience and perspective of a physician's wisdom in an article on Oprah Winfrey's website titled "How to Heal from Depression"
Deepak Chopra advises, "As a doctor, I know that someone isn't depressed if they can answer a simple question about a bad situation: Is this something I can fix, something I should put up with or something I need to walk away from? Depressed people deny themselves those key decisions. They almost always put up with bad situations."
Sometimes we need to look problems in the face and make some decisive choices. Deepak Chopra suggests that while bad things cannot be prevented, some aspects will make them worse: if the stress is repeated, if the stress is unpredictable, and if you have no control over the stress. He says that people often will make a habit of putting up with bad situations. In order to avoid or alleviate depression, Mr. Chopra says we need to take two critical steps; here is his advice for assessing your situation in order to decide what actions are in our control, and making those changes that are necessary for a healthier life:
Stop exposing yourself to stresses that occur again and again, such as a bad boss, abusive spouse, boring job or any stress that repeats every day.
Avoid uncertainty and unpredictability that goes beyond acceptable limits. Close encounters with someone who flies into unpredictable rages, or a spouse who may or may not cheat, are relationships that are not acceptable - or healthy. Regular exercise, a good night's sleep, a steady and supportive relationship, and a job you can count on are basic necessities. Deepak Chopra declares that these aren't just good for us; they help us to avoid depression.
Depression has many causes, some of which can be controlled, and some that are not in our control. However, we can control our response to stressors that lead to depression. Sometimes we need to take better care of ourselves, with quality real food instead of process industrial substitutes, regular exercise, including proven stress-busters like Yoga or Tai Chi, and spiritual practice such as prayer or mindful meditation. We may also need to face our situation and make healthy choices rather than simply enduring stresses that go on in perpetuity.
So, be proactive and give some of these ideas a try. This article is about what has worked for me, but let's hear from you! There are many of you who have found great ways to deal with depression. It would be great to hear from you about your favorite anti-depression strategies. What works best for you to support self-healing? Please do share your experience with others; others can benefit from your success! I would love to hear about your favorite depression-beater strategies, and hear about what you do to sustain self-healing in the Comments section below.
And if you enjoyed this article, please share it with your friends using the social media buttons below.
For more tips and great information on how to deal with stress, check out You'll also find many guided exercises and meditation methods to relieve stress, connect with your inner wisdom, and enjoy a balanced lifestyle. Visit now to get started.

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Beat the Winter Blues!

Think about it... Those of us that work indoors may get a total of an hour of sunlight each day during this time of the year, depending on your hours. That definitely less than during the summer months, and this can really have an effect on your mood! Have you ever heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder? It's totally real and affects so many people- on grey days it end to find myself in a little bit of a "grey" mood. Our bodies CRAVE the sunlight! But when not much sunlight can be found, there are a few ways you can bolster your happiness back up and beat the winter blues!
1. Artificial Light!
When your body wakes up to a super grey day, you can have a terrible time waking up- that's because our bodies depend on LIGHT to switch off those sleep hormones! Take a look on for "SAD lamps" and check out all of the options available. Switch on one of these babies while you sip your coffee.
2. Feel-Good Playlist!
You know that you've got some super fun favorite songs that perk you up when you're feeling blue! Put them all on a playlist on your phone or iPod for some feel-good vibes when you need them.
3. Plan a Dream Vacation!
Brainstorm some ideas of places you'd love to visit, and plan a trip! You may or may not be able to go on that trip RIGHT NOW, but thinking about it and planning it out will most definitely boost your mood a bit.
4. Do a Good Deed!
Doing a good deed is always a good idea, but helping someone in need can seriously change your attitude. Helping someone else really takes your mind off of YOU, and onto something bigger. Donating your time is more effective and special when it comes to creating feel-good vibes, because it is so much more personal than sending a check (thought that's awesome too).
5. Keep a Gratitude Journal
Wake up your inner optimist by keeping a gratitude journal. This will just be a place you use to write down notes about what you're thankful for mad also happy memories! When you make a choice to focus more often on happy memories and things you're grateful for, you'll adopt a more positive view of your entire life. You'll be surprised at the change this can do for your attitude and mood!
Do you have any tips you use to beat the winter blues? Please share in the comments!
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Whitney DeLong is a certified personal trainer and online fitness coach specializing in helping women become happy in their own skin, confident with how they look in the mirror, and empowered to help others do the same. Whitney hosts online fitness groups and one-on-one coaching for weight loss. Contact Whitney and view services at

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How to Beat Depression When Unemployed

In earlier articles, we looked at how to deal with the stress of unemployment. But how do you beat depression when you become unemployed? What you do when first lose your job can make a big difference in how you feel later. A large part of beating depression happens if you can head it off before it starts.
Write down every good thing about yourself that you can think of. You probably have a lot of good work experience, but you also have talents and inner qualities that go far beyond your resume. As soon as you have gotten over the shock of being unemployed, start a list of all the great things that make you who you are. It is important to do this at the onset, before job hunting starts taking bites out of your self esteem.
You don't have to do this all in one day. Keep the list open, and whenever you remember some success you had, or a time when you made someone's day, jot it down. Ask friends and family what they consider your best qualities. You might be astonished at how much good they see.
Get up and get dressed every day. You don't have to wear a business suit, but prepare yourself to face the day like a person with things to do. The action of dressing is like putting on armor against depression before it can hit you. It also defends you against the lure of the sofa and mindless TV.
If you are looking through job listings in a newspaper or online, being dressed makes you feel more serious about your endeavors, and reinforces that you are a person worth paying attention to.
Start your day with some exercise. Exercise will help you feel stronger and more confident, and help you order your thoughts. Without a regular work routine, it can be easy for your thinking to become disorganized, which adds to any depression you may feel. A brisk walk or workout gets your can-do attitude in line, and gives you a better chance at organizing your day.
Skip the all at once approach. It is not uncommon to hear of someone who sent out 200 resumes and then became thoroughly depressed when they got no response. So don't set yourself up for a major fall. You'll usually get better results if you research companies and approach a few at a time, with a targeted message based on what each of them needs.
Don't become discouraged if you are screened by a machine. If you held the same job for a long time, it can be a shock to learn how the job application process has changed. Where once we might have dressed up and knocked on doors, now we may find we have to be cleared by a computer before a live person ever sees our application or resume... even if the person behind the door already wants to hire us.
Rejection by a computer can be horribly depressing, and make you feel like you'll never catch a break. To beat the depression, take out your list of good qualities, read and re-read how super you are. Breathe deeply, stand up straight, and try again.
Do everything you can to take care of yourself. Job hunting is no easy task, and it is far too easy to jump from feeling simply unemployed to feeling worthless. You need to feel worthy of care and love, and you can help by giving yourself good food, rest, and simple treats like long hot baths to keep your health and your spirits up.
Take steps not to get isolated. The more you feel rejected, the more depressed you can start to be, and the less likely you want to go out and be involved in life. Consider asking a friend to phone you if they don't hear from you for a while. If you are on a downward slide, someone who cares for you can do a lot to pull you back into the world.
Meditate or pray, and picture a brighter future. It can be hard to understand, but the reason you are unemployed may have nothing to do with you and who you are. I have a whole resume listing names of companies who bit the dust, taking me and sometimes hundreds of others down with them.
Spending time with whatever you picture as your source of abundance will help you rise above the challenges you face, and be your greatest weapon to beat depression when unemployed.
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What to Eat to Beat Depression

If you ever wonder what to eat to beat depression, you probably already know that ice cream by the gallon is not going to make the list. Some folks find depression takes away any desire to eat at all. Either way, eating foods high in essential nutrients gives you your best defense against depression, and gives a little comfort to your soul as well.
To beat grey moods, eat Technicolor foods. Nature has been giving us easy clues for millennia. When foods are brightly colored and attractive, they are probably good for you, and they can be eaten like snacks. An easy trick to remember is that darker and richer the color, the more nutritious they are.
Some people feel better when they cook. Messing about in the kitchen certainly gives you lots of healthy food options, and is a rare opportunity to attack stress with a big, sharp knife. But if the mere idea of cooking makes you more depressed, there are plenty of foods to beat depression that work fine both in recipes or right out off the tree, bush or vine.
  • Blueberries might be one of the healthiest foods on the planet. They are a powerful source of anti-oxidants and flavonoids, and have shown to benefit both your brain and circulation. Strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries share similar high nutrient value, and taste great. Raw berries have Vitamin C, and are a perfect finger food. If you can't get fresh berries, frozen ones are good to have on hand, though better eaten with a spoon.

  • Cherries have been used for centuries to treat inflammation, which can help ease some of the achiness of depression. Bing cherries are usually the sweetest, and are a treat for your senses.

  • Raisins and other dried fruits pack a nutritional wallop. In fact, prunes rate highest on the riboflavonoid scale. Dried berriescherries, and apricots are easy to store and easy to eat. Just be sure to drink plenty of water as well, so you don't dry out yourself.

  • Tomatoes, Carrots, Greens and more. If you are not well acquainted with your local produce department, it is time to make friends. Just follow your tastes and the bright color rule, and you can't go far wrong. Deep green vegetables are an excellent source of B6, B12 and Folate, which are especially important to eat to beat depression.
Eat fish, flaxseed, or hummus for vital Omega3s. Research has shown a link between depression and a deficit of Omega3 fatty acids. Omega3 is also known to benefit heart health, circulation, and eye health, so adding more to your diet can help you in many ways.
Excellent sources of Omega3 are wild salmon, tuna, and flax seeds, and even chia seeds. If you are not a fan of fish, try hummus on whole grain crackers, or as a vegetable dip.
Turkey sandwiches for protein, carbs and tryptophan. Turkey has long since moved away from just a holiday food, and that's especially good if you are trying to beat depression. Turkey is a wonderful source of the amino acid tryptophan, which transforms into the feel good chemical serotonin in the brain.
The carbohydrates in whole grain bread help conduct the tryptophan to your brain, and provide B vitamins, and fiber. Turkey is also a low fat source of protein, which is important when you're depressed. Use hummus instead of mayonnaise, add some tomato slices and dark fresh greens like spinach leaves, and you have a powerhouse anti-depression sandwich.
Dark chocolate is a mood lifter. In case you hadn't heard, chocolate is good for you. Note I did not say "chocolates." We are not talking bonbons or gooey candy bars here, which merely increase sugar cravings and create sugar crashes.
Dark chocolate by itself contains phenylethylamine, which has been shown to raise endorphin levels, and some compare to being in love. Chocolate with a cacao percentage of 60% works best, is lower in sugar, and if pared with nuts adds some protein and B vitamins. Melting some and dipping strawberries or dried apricots in it can make you feel truly indulgent.
Healthy comfort foods can make you feel cared for. When you were a child, did someone fix you special foods to make you feel better? Foods like chicken soup, eggnog, or custard? When you treat yourself to some of these foods, your body remembers what it felt like when someone else took care of you, and it relives those feelings of security and love.
Plus, some of our favorite comfort foods are truly good for us. Eggnog and custard, for example, contain protein from both milk and eggs, vitamins A, D, and B complex, calcium, iron, and lutein. Egg yolks also contain choline, which research links to a healthy brain.
Nature is abundant with what to eat to beat depression. And as long as you get the good things you need first, curling up with a little ice cream won't hurt.
For further reading:
Foods That Harm, Foods That Heal, (2004), Reader's Digest Books, Pleasantville, New York.
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What Is The Best Way To Beat Depression? A 5 Point Plan

When you are looking for the best way to beat depression, it helps to understand that no one solution stands alone. Some methods work better for some people than others, but all of the most effective treatments offer a multi-point approach. With a solid five part framework, you can design a plan that works the best for you.
1. Get Up.
The first step may sound simplistic, but if you've been hiding out in bed or wrapped up in a cocoon on the couch, you must get on your feet before change can happen. When depression first hits, you may need some quiet time to regroup and maybe just rest. But you should reach a point when your body instinctively knows that it has huddled up too long. Listen to your body and make a decision to get better.
Getting up is not easy. It may even be the hardest part of beating depression, because all you want to do is hide out and be left alone. But getting up is also your best weapon against the black hole that seems to be dragging you under. Your same mind that seems to have you trapped can also be your most powerful champion, if you give it the task of defeating how you feel.
2. Eat.
If you had a grandmother from "old country" it wouldn't really matter what the problem was. The answer is always "eat". There is real wisdom here, because if you've been in immobile for a while, chances are you are hungry and dehydrated, and your body and mind are both crying out for nutrients. Some turkey or tuna, some fruit, whole grains, and plenty of water will at least get you started. Find a good nutrition book for more details and check our earlier articles on what to eat when you're depressed. The right foods play a key role in beating depression.
3. Move for 22 minutes.
Depression makes you achy and lethargic, feeling like you don't even have the strength to stand. But if you can keep moving steadily, such as walking, after a while your body will release the same endorphins that give runners their "high", and automatically relieve much of your pain.
I can't say exactly how long it will take you to feel better, shoot for 20 to 30 minutes. It takes me about 22 minutes on a treadmill to go from "I can hardly take a step," to "I could walk all day".
Research has shown exercise to be as beneficial as anti-depressants in many cases, and without any side effects. As well as the endorphins, you replenish your oxygen stores, help your blood flow, and feel stronger every day.
4. Think better thoughts.
You may not realize it, but you if you are depressed, you probably already know how to meditate. Unfortunately, you keep meditating on your problems, and simply replaying how bad you feel. Guided meditation recordings can really help here. They take away the need for you to come up with your own more positive thoughts, and they redirect your mind to a better state.
There are often chemical imbalances involved in depression, but still to a large part thinking gets you down, and thinking can get you out. Yes, life may have dealt you a hard blow, but how you decide to react to it is up to you. Change how you think and you can change how you feel.
5. Forgive.
It is easy when we're depressed to vacillate between blaming the world for our problems and blaming ourselves for the state of the world. Whatever it is that is beating you down, forgive it. Forgive yourself for not being perfect, and forgive everyone who ever expected you to be. Forgive life for its disappointments, and forgive yourself for disappointing others and yourself.
The more we can forgive, the easier we can breathe, and the more joy we can see. We can relax, we can appreciate all our life experiences, and we can be grateful just to be alive.
Beyond the Framework.
The five parts of this framework are only an outline of what needs to be in any strategy to beat depression. You can adapt it and fill it out as best suits your personality and individual strengths.
Some people are helped by herbal supplements such as St. John's Wort or Sam-E, for short term depression. But check first with a medical professional. Serious, long term or debilitating depression may require a doctor's care. Even medical treatment will be enhanced if you Get up, Eat, Move, Think, and Forgive.
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For more tips and great information on how to beat depression, check out You'll also find many guided exercises and meditation methods to relieve stress, connect with your inner wisdom, and enjoy a balanced lifestyle. Visit now to get started.

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How Can I Beat Depression Naturally (Without Drugs)?

Since the early 1990's, the use of antidepressants has increased four hundred percent, such that in America, the wealthiest and most powerful nation on Earth, nearly one in ten persons over the age of 12 take antidepressants. Antidepressants are the third most prescribed type of drug in the United States. Most are white women; over 30% have not seen a doctor in over a year.
According to a study from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, published in the journal Health Affairs, there is no diagnosis of depression for nearly seventy three percent of the prescriptions given out to patients. The study found that the prescriptions for antidepressants that are issued without any diagnosis of depression had increased from sixty percent in 1996 to seventy three percent in 2007, a span of only twelve years.
And yet, in the 2008 issue of Public Library of Science, a review of thirty-five clinical trials found that the most popular antidepressants are not much more effective than sugar pills. Another study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association revealed that these most popular drugs only benefit those with severe depression.
There is evidence of increased risk for women for sudden cardiac death, and this class of drugs if taken during pregnancy may increase the infant's risk for congenital heart defects and autism.
There are numerous side effects associated with the various types of antidepressants; a good resource is The Little Pill Book, which is published annually and includes both brand names and generic names for a wide variety of medications. This book provides official, FDA-approved drug information as well as guidelines from leading pharmacists.
Because medical doctors often do not keep up on the characteristics of all the drugs they prescribe, it is good practice to keep this book on hand along with your other first aid and medical supplies.
What Can Be Done to Mitigate "The Blues?"
Life brings us plenty of challenges, and sometimes life brings truly sad events. Depression or down moods are really a part of life, something that is a part of the natural flow of life.
Often "the blues" are our first, best red flag that our life is out of balance. It may be we are fatigued, not getting enough sleep, and suffering from overload. Perhaps a relationship is causing stress, or we are unhappy with our job.
In these cases, it is important to take control of our life and take the steps needed to take care of ourselves. I've often reminded myself that I cannot help others or meet my responsibilities if I run myself into the ground.
Prayer and Meditation
Sometimes the issue is a need to reconnect the spiritual relationship with the Creator, in whatever way that is most fulfilling. I love using healing music, especially music that has been developed to trigger Alpha or Theta waves in the brain. These are healing levels of brain activity, which stimulate a relaxation response and stimulate our creative energy. I especially like the meditation music of Tibet, or Gregorian Chants; however, music that you love will work the best.
Prayer and meditation are powerful approaches for those times when depression lingers; in fact often times the very thing we need is to give ourselves time out to think deeper about where our life may be out of balance.
Get Moving
In Europe, the most frequent prescription for depression is exercise; how very different from the American habit of reaching for a pill in order to feel better.
There is a genuinely healing aspect of nature. We humans love our technology, and it's fun and interesting. I am certainly not suggesting we have to avoid modern urban activities and lifestyle, for that is merely taking a stance of denial that would be not only losing our freedom of choice but is all too grim. However, we still need to get out a take a walk in nature on a regular basis.
For untold millennia humans have spent most of their time out in nature; it is our home. Too much time spent amid electronics and artificial light leaves us feeling isolated.
Somewhere in the mind-body connection between movement and meditation are the healing practices of Yoga, Tai Chi and Chi Gong. I mention these practices time and again in my writing; in truth, these are healing and life-changing practices that cost nothing. Although, I do recommend taking a class to help get over initial inertia, and taking a class from a good teacher is the best antidote for those times when we slack off.
Eat Well
This can be a challenge. When I began learning about natural foods over 45 years ago, I remember a friend saying that we were like the modern version of a hunter in an extreme environment far back in history, searching amid the inedible and poisonous plants, dodging dangerous wildlife simply in order to eat.
Today's modern hunter must read labels, stalking the few real foods that remain in the supermarket amidst aisles and aisles of industrialized, processed foods. Like the master hunter, we have to seek out the local organic farmers to even be able to afford food that is not polluted or has had the life forces processed out of it.
Healing Plants
Here is where a trained herbalist or holistic medical practitioner can help you. It is true there are thousands of offerings that are touted and offered by way of the Internet. However, this can be a very expensive experiment. It is better to get informed advice when taking any supplement, from someone who is experienced with the plant and its effects. Some herbs must not be taken with certain medications; some powerful healing herbs are toxins - because they are used to destroy pathogens.
Some of the most humble and common herbs are very gentle and effective. Because there is so much interest in alternatives to modern drugs such as herbal treatments, there are also plenty of inferior products out there. In these cases one invariable is wasting money on products that are either not useful for your condition, or are of such poor quality that they will not help.
St. John's Wort is a good example; it has a long history of use for depression, among other ailments. However, research is showing that it is effective in some kinds of depression and not others. Find a good holistic medical practitioner in order to focus on what will work for you.
For all but severe depression, there are proactive steps we can take that may be more effective than drugs, with better results and more enduring effect, without the side effects. I have found that sometimes depression is a messenger, and that when take control of my health, and take time out to access what is imbalanced in my life, I come out stronger than before.
I would love to hear from you about your experience with depression. What strategies have proven most effective for you to support self-healing? Please do share your experience with others in the Comments section below; others can benefit from your experience.
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Why Can't I Beat Depression?

New Research on the Enteric Nervous System
If you suffer from lingering depression, it may be helpful to consider what medical research is discovering about the complex network of neurons that line our gut. Some scientists are calling this "the second brain", because unlike the rest of the central nervous system, the neurons of the gut - called the enteric nervous system, or ENS - do far more than simply regulate the movement of material through the digestive system. This enteric nervous system functions as a second brain, independent of the brain in our head, according to Professor Michael Gershon, chair of pathology and cell biology at Columbia University.
The mass of neural tissue in the gut has a more far-reaching influence than previously understood. While it does not help with thought processes or rational decision making; that occurs in the brain in our head, the "second brain" does partly determine our mental state and mood. It not only controls itself, it sends signals to the brain that influences memory, learning, decision-making and affects moods of sadness or feelings of stress.
In the enteric nervous system, sheaths of neurons are imbedded in the walls of the nine meter long tube of our gut, consisting of more neurons than in either the peripheral nervous system - which consists of the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system - or the spinal cord. Over 30 neurotransmitters are involved in the gut, including serotonin. Dealing with the gut environment has been shown to provide significant relief from major depression.
It is well-known that food affects our emotions and mood. Foods like chocolate or macaroni and cheese are considered comfort foods; it has been thought that this is purely psychological, perhaps bringing back memories of Mom's cooking, or due to the savory taste or smell of food. However, research is showing something quite different; that specific components of food have a direct effect on the stomach neurohormones. The research reported in The Journal of Clinical Investigation showed that fatty acid foods lifted the emotional state and MRI scans showed activation of regions of the brain that moderate emotions, despite having the subjects view sad faces or listen to melancholy music known to elicit a low mood.
These neurohormones are only part of the picture. Medical research is showing that the 100 trillion or so bacteria that inhabit our gut, often referred to as probiotics, have a critical role to play. These friendly bacteria act as accessory DNA, working to produce their own enzymes and other products that help process our food. Canadian neuroscientist Jane Foster says,
"The gut biome is actually an interface between your diet and your genetics... Our genetics determines our predispositions, but the gut biome influences how these predispositions function on a day-to-day basis."
Upon reviewing Dr. Foster's work, researchers have stated that "Modulation of the enteric microbiota may be a useful strategy" for treating inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, stress-related disorders and depression.
Fermented foods such as Kimchi and sauerkraut had once been traditional foods worldwide. However, modern diets include little of these foods which were once a significant part of our diet. In some preliminary studies to determine whether probiotics have any effect on emotional processing, and which strains are most effective, researchers found that brain scans taken before and after three weeks of probiotics showed a change in brain function in those that took the probiotics, whereas the control group that took a placebo showed no changes in brain function.
Ailments such as diabetes, irritable bowel disease, allergies, immune disorders, depression and anxiety have skyrocketed in the past few decades of the modern diet. The highly processed foods are empty of the kinds of bacteria that our bodies have relied on for all but the past few generations of human history.
We are only just discovering the "interior frontier" of our body, and learning more about the complex systems of the integrated body-mind connection. When we look for why we feel blue, it may help to look at how far we have moved away from Nature that sustained us for millennia. It is worthwhile to reconsider the quality of the foods we consume, including probiotic supplementation.
Because affordability is a major concern with getting real food, you may want to consider cooperative options such as a wholesale buying club, supporting your local organic growers and consumer supported agriculture. The internet provides resources now where buying direct from the grower can produce significant savings, even to the point of finding prices that are lower than the local chain grocery.
My family has gone back to some of the strategies that our great-grandparents used; buying in bulk, putting up foods by canning, freezing or drying foods grown in the home garden or community gardens. If money and space is limited, get together to form your own neighborhood or extended family "food co-op" to share freezer space and make direct shipped bulk orders in quantities.
If you've struggled with depression that does not go away with time, you may find that the research about our enteric nervous system will provide some valuable ideas as to why you suffer from the blues, and offer some solutions.
I would love to hear from you about your experience with depression. What strategies have proven most effective for you to support self-healing? Please do share your experience with others in the Comments section below; others can benefit from your experience.
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For more tips and great information on how to beat depression, check out You'll also find many guided exercises and meditation methods to relieve stress, connect with your inner wisdom, and enjoy a balanced lifestyle. Visit now to get started.

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How To Deal With Resentment

For a recovering addict, indeed for anyone, resentment is a mental poison that creates much negativity. Fear of the future, a sense of having been wronged in the past, a desire to see ourselves come out better next time; these self seeking parasites which cloud our thinking are paradoxically borne out of, or perhaps in line with, a desperate, poor lack of self worth.
To live a life full of resentment, fear, anger, worry and despair is to not live at all; it means to suffer. We must be free of these negative states of mind, to 'wake up' from our mental slumber and consider each and every thought for what it really is. After all a thought is just a thought.
We should change our thinking and try to look at our part in life; not to mention in other peoples lives. Have we caused them any harm or injustice. They may have done things to us but what have we done to them? Life can seem unfair and cruel too but it's like the glass filled halfway with liquid. Is it half full or half empty?
A different mental approach to life is needed if we are to stop being so resentful, jealous, bitter and judging people. Whether the other person, place or thing is at fault should not concern us. If they are we should forgive them but it is wise to remember that where we are at fault we would want them to forgive us too, so we should make sure our personal, private and public affairs are in order.
That seething anger which lies as the under current pf any addicts personality must be mastered. We are emotional, sentient beings. We feel emotions such as anger. To hold on to negative emotions though is unhealthy and all consuming. If we can be master our emotions, to the degree where we are free from being angry, irritable, restless and discontent we will become better people. We are not our emotions; our emotions are not us. To be in control of our emotional state should not mean suppression of any emotion either. It should simply be that we are aware of our emotions without getting too involved in them. It is OK to be angry, just as it is OK to feel loved. To indulge and seek comfort in positive emotions, as well as the negative ones, can be just as damaging.
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